Link to Archive of Judi Hopkin’s Celebration of Life Service If you were unable to attend the actual service, here is the link (and passcode if needed) to watch the service: Judi Hopkin Celebration of Life archive Passcode: 0U%E%RQ* Other Considerations:
Learn about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict At Encounter World Religions, our mission is to promote understanding not only of one another but of the forces that shape the world we live in. The crisis in Israel and Palestine is leading to many deaths and a war. In addition, there have been surges of antisemitism and Islamophobia across the globe that I did not expect to see in my lifetime. To help you understand this conflict better, Encounter is offering a free online talk: 🔹 Background to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 🔹 🔹Thursday November 9th, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST🔹 Our talk aims to bring some clarity to help you understand this complicated issue and how it is impacting people in the communities where you live. We hope you will join us. Questions? Reach out to Brian Carwana at [email protected] ![]() Project Ploughshares Condemns Atrocities in Israel and Palestine, Calls for a Ceasefire We recognize that the pursuit of lasting peace and theenjoyment of human rights must be the goal moving forward. Instead of perpetuating cycles of violence, it is essential to work towards a fair and just resolution that not only safeguards civilians but addresse s the root causes of violence. Wasn’t it exciting to gather for Canada East Mission Conference last weekend? The smiles, hugs, and reconnecting generated a palpable energy in the room. Much appreciation is deserved by the planning committee and especially the Woodfield congregation for a successful first hybrid conference. Those assembled online (58) and in person (70) brought a remarkable gift of presence. Thank you, pastors, for adhering to our bylaws and submitting delegate lists to CEM office two weeks prior to conference.
Here is a list of what we accomplished
Clarification: CEM Conference Bylaw Article 5 does not deal with notice for legislation. A request came from the body for longer lead time to consider legislative materials prior to the conference. This year we provided legislative material to pastors 7 weeks prior to the conference with the expectation that this would be shared with members in the congregation. It is incumbent upon pastors to share this information with their congregation and provide opportunity for dialogue so that delegates have occasion to learn the viewpoints of congregational members. In the months ahead, we will develop tools for further dialogue on the issue of member vs delegate conference as recommended by the special committee report. If you missed the Conference Reports, you can view the recordings here. ![]() Wanda Marie Morgan (Goodwill) Peacefully, and surrounded by the love of her children, Wanda passed from this earthly plain on Friday, October 27, 2023. Wanda was in her 95th year. Wanda was predeceased by her husband of over 70 years, Ross, in 2022. A loss she never recovered from. She was the proud Mom of Susan (Ken), John (Elaine), Kathy (Dave) and Bruce. Wanda lived for her “kids”, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was the adored Gramma of Kathy, Seamus (Alexandra), Cody (Beth), Bowen (Emily), Curtis, Serenity (Danny), Carter, David, Ada and Cosmo. Cherished Great-Gramma (Mudders) of Abby, Gavin, Thea, Ezmay and Izzy. Wanda was “dear sweet dolly-faced Auntie” to numerous nieces and nephews who all loved her as incredibly much as she loved them. Together, she and Ross lived a life of plenty on not much of anything. They were avid gardeners, and spent endless hours sowing and reaping from their glorious gardens. Wanda had the greenest thumb ever. Along with their homes, they loved their cottage on Roberts Island, passionately. She was raised in Woodbridge, Ontario on a dairy farm and the farm girl remained forever inside of her. Along with her intense love of children was a passionate love of all animals, especially horses and cats. She mourned the loss of all of her precious “kitties” till the end. Wanda is also predeceased by her adored parents, Rob and Edna Goodwill and loving siblings Lorne, Isabel and Gloria, and sister-in-law Ruth (Joe). She was the loving daughter-in-law of William and Grace Morgan, who also predecease her. Her sisters Helen (Erik) and Madeline still brought her much joy to think about, hear about and know. She was a 3rd generation Community of Christ member and her faith never wavered. She was a dedicated, faithful woman for her entire life, and passed on these values to her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In her never-ending life of giving, Wanda is a donor to the McMaster University School of Anatomy. McMaster was a place near and dear to both Wanda and Ross, for the incredible work they do. The family cannot thank Grey Gables, Markdale enough for the loving care they have provided Wanda for the past 3 years. The incredible Staff treated her like their own. Their care is truly above and beyond. A Celebration service will be held in the near future for Wanda and Ross. Beyond the Walls – Sacredness of Creation For the fifth of our nine Enduring Principles Sundays as we explore the “Sacredness of Creation,” we receive ministry from the North America Climate Justice Team. The climate crisis has become an existential emergency for humanity which Paul Bethel will address in our message from Huntingdon, California. Andrew Fellows of Derby, England, will teach our Peace Lesson. Our invocation will be given by Dean Wight, and scripture will be read by Joan Thompson and Laurie Gordon. In Community of Christ we believe that God has called us all to be faithful stewards of the Earth, but human shortsightedness and greed have compromised the natural systems we all depend on. What can we do to promote peace on and for the Earth in the 21st century? Worship with the Beyond the Walls community on Facebook or YouTube: 📅 Sunday, October 29, 2023. ⏰12:00 PM or 6:00 PM EDT. ORDER OF WORSHIP
All music performed by the Beyond the Walls Choir and Michael Karpowicz. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: ONE LICENSE LICENSING PERMISSION: REPRINTED / PODCAST / STREAMED WITH PERMISSION UNDER ONE LICENSE A-739874. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am CDT / 10:00 am MDT / 9:00 am PDT. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - 1:45 p.m. Robert Taylor will preside over the worship time and Karen Smith will share a testimony on "What is your gospel message?" As well, we will spend some time on Discernment as the church prepares to select a new President/Prophet for the Church. Contact Don Robb for Zoom info.
Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. ![]() Judith Ann Hopkin MARCH 1, 1947 – OCTOBER 18, 2023 Judi Hopkin, age 76, died peacefully at Parkwood Mennonite Home on Wednesday, October 18th following a prolonged illness. She was surrounded by her beloved family. She is predeceased by her husband Willis (2005); she is survived by her children Rachel, Sarah (Chris), Adam (Jenn) and grandchildren Fiona and Taren; along with sister Lorna (Wayne 2000) and brothers Michael (Terry) and Rod (Willa).Judi's work life included nursing, grief and suicide support group facilitation, and many years as an ordained minister. She was profoundly caring and generous with her time and giftedness. Her warmth, smile, and big laughs will endure. A Celebration of Life will be held at Westmount Memorial Celebration Centre in Kitchener on Monday, October 23rd. Guests are welcome to arrive after 1pm and the celebration service will commence at 1:30pm. Service will be viewable via Zoom, link to follow. Judi loved wearing bold colours, especially hot pink. You are invited to wear your most vibrant attire in honour of Judi who shone so brightly! The family are deeply appreciative of the superb care and compassion for Judi provided by Parkwood staff and their friendliness, warmth and support to family and visitors. Donations would be gratefully appreciated on behalf of Judi to World Accord, Ziontario (Community of Christ) or Parkwood. You are welcome to join the Celebraton of Life via Zoom Oct 23, 2023 01:30 PM Eastern Time Please click here. Judith Ann Hopkin, age 76, of Waterloo passed away on Wednesday, October 18. Memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Hopkin family. A gathering will be held to honour Judi's life on Monday, October 23rd at:Westmount Memorial Celebration Centre. 1001 Ottawa St S Kitchener, ON Come to share your memories and bring comfort to her family. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Stella Robson of Welland passed away on Wednesday, October 18 at the age of 99. A service will be held Monday, October 23 in her honour with Marilyn Graham officiating at: HlL. Cudney Funeral Home 241 West Main Street, Welland, ON L3C 5A4 Beyond the Walls – Continuing Revelation Revelation did not simply occur in the past, nor is it contained in ancient texts read literally. Apostle Art Smith shares the message on the theme: “Continuing Revelation” for the worship service of the annual Canada East Mission Centre Conference. In the fourth of our nine Enduring Principles Sundays, we explore Community of Christ’s unique understanding of scripture and revelation. Revelation is an ongoing living process, where we invite the Spirit to make ancient words revelatory anew as Enduring Principles are translated into relevance in our time and place. We hope you can join us from around the world participating on live video as usual. If you are near London, Ontario, we invite you to join us in person. This will be a “hybrid” service sharing worship and fellowship within and beyond the walls. Beyond the Walls – Continuing Revelation 📅 Sunday, October 22. ⏰12:00 PM or 6:00 PM EDT. 💒 615 Colborne St, London, ON N6B 2V3 ORDER OF WORSHIP
All music performed by the Beyond the Walls Choir and Michael Karpowicz. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: ONE LICENSE LICENSING PERMISSION: REPRINTED / PODCAST / STREAMED WITH PERMISSION UNDER ONE LICENSE A-739874. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am CDT / 10:00 am MDT / 9:00 am PDT. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. Join CEM Ordination Service - 10 a.m. - "Here We Are, Lord, Ready to Serve", Vonda DenBoer will be ordained to the office of High Priest by Apostle Art Smith and Evangelist Carole Heathers and Dawn Dawson will be ordained to the office of Seventy by Seventy John Glaser and Evangelist Bill Reid. The service will take place at the Woodfield Congregation and will be live streamed.
SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - 1:45 p.m. Daryl and Angela will preside over our afternoon worship on the Theme, "Make your Faith Known". Contact Don Robb for Zoom info. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with.
![]() Wallace B. Smith Celebration of Life The celebration of life service for Wallace B. Smith, president emeritus of Community of Christ will be on Sunday, 8 October at 2:00 p.m. Central USA Daylight Time. The service will be hosted at the Community of Christ Temple, 201 South River Blvd., Independence, Missouri, USA, and streamed live on YouTube. Doors open at 1:00 p.m. (CDT). Recordings of the service in English, French, and Spanish will be available by Wednesday, 11 October on our YouTube channel for those who cannot attend on Sunday. For those wishing to express condolences to the family or make a contribution in honor of Wallace B. Smith, please consider these options. Cards to: The Smith Family c/o Community of Christ First Presidency 1001 West Walnut St. Independence, MO 64050 USA Contributions either by eTithing or by check to “Community of Christ” to: Presiding Bishopric 1001 West Walnut St. Independence, MO 64050 USA (Indicate this is in honor of Wallace B. Smith.) Digital Advertising The Communications Team at International Headquarters is launching digital advertisements on Google, Facebook, and Instagram from October through December. The primary goal of these advertisements is to raise awareness about Community of Christ and our mission. It's important to note that these advertisements may have an impact on your congregation or online ministry. Please ensure that your congregation or online ministry is prepared to receive visitors as a result of these advertisements. One way to accomplish this is by verifying the accuracy of your congregation or online ministry's information on Providing up-to-date information will ensure visitors to can find the most current details about your congregation or online and connect easily with your community. Here are the steps you should take: 1. Review: Take a moment to visit your congregation or online ministry's webpage on 2. Update: Complete the online form to submit any necessary changes. Survey on Formation Resources The Formation Ministries and Communications Teams are interested in understanding which annual resources originating from International Headquarters hold the greatest significance for you and your ministry. Please invite people in your area to share feedback and insights on this confidential survey, Results will play a crucial role in guiding our efforts to supply essential formational resources that best support your efforts. This data will directly shape our discussions regarding resource production as we move forward. Day of Fasting and Prayer 29 October Dear Community of Christ around the world, With deep gratitude and sincere love, the Council of Twelve Apostles send these words to you, inspired by the spirit of Christ that binds us closely together. Every day, we admire the strength of your faith, the sincerity of your dedication, and the intensity of your love in action. In a constantly changing world, your steadfastness and passion for service shine brightly as a reflection of Christ, touching and transforming lives. We wish to express our profound appreciation for your unwavering commitment to the mission of Christ. We also wish to convey our support for President Steve Veazey and his family. We invite the church to keep Steve and his loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. Believing in the strength of our community and the power of prayer, we trust that they will find comfort, strength, and serenity through our collective support. The Council of Twelve warmly invites the church around the world to unite on 29 October 2023, for a special day of fasting and prayer. We hope that everyone will wholeheartedly engage in this unique day as we collectively seek God's will regarding the discernment of the next prophet-president of the Church. We want to emphasize the importance of the discernment process, as outlined by the First Presidency. The bright future of our church hinges on our ability to listen attentively to the Spirit and to act diligently. We encourage you to continue submitting your reflections and names, adhering to the established deadlines. Beloved Community of Christ, may the Holy Spirit, the source of unity and determination, consistently guide us and deepen our faith and devotion to Christ. We pray that all of you may be renewed, strengthened, and inspired in this noble mission. With all our affection and prayers, On behalf of the Council of Twelve Apostles, Mareva Arnaud Tchong President of the Council of Twelve Apostles Beyond the Walls – Unity in Diversity On the second of our nine Enduring Principles Sundays, Ron Raynes of Eugene, Oregon, speaks on the theme of “Unity in Diversity.” In Community of Christ, we value diversity as a strength, not a weakness, and together we seek a unity of purpose, rather than forcing conformity of practices and beliefs. When we cannot achieve agreement, we commit to ongoing dialogue and uphold our common faith in Jesus Christ and the mission of the church. We confess that our lack of agreement on certain matters is hurtful to some of God's beloved children and creation and we seek to continually learn and grow together so that we can ever improve as a sacred community. Worship with the Beyond the Walls community on Facebook or YouTube: 📅 Sunday, October 8, 2023. ⏰12:00 PM or 6:00 PM EDT. All music performed by the Beyond the Walls Choir and Michael Karpowicz. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: ONE LICENSE LICENSING PERMISSION: REPRINTED / PODCAST / STREAMED WITH PERMISSION UNDER ONE LICENSE A-739874. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am CDT / 10:00 am MDT / 9:00 am PDT. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - 1:45 p.m. Presiders Margie and Steve Lamoure. Contact Don Robb for Zoom info.
Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. |
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February 2025
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355 Elmira Road North, Unit 129
Guelph, ON N1K 1S5 Canada Canada West Mission: 877-411-2632 Canada East Mission: 888-411-7537 |
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