Beyond the Walls – Community of Christ Sings “We believe what we sing and we sing what we believe.” The songs we sing shape our discipleship. Members of the Beyond the Walls Choir have added their voices to record over 150 “Community of Christ Sings“ hymns. Christians from around the world have heard their voices singing. On Sunday, July 31, they will highlight the words and melodies in our latest hymnal that speak to their soul and life story. We invite you to share this special worship hour and sing along with our global community of disciples and spiritual seekers. Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm and 6 pm EDT. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - No service this week.
Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. Beyond the Walls – Teach Us to Pray What is prayer? What is it for? Is there one right way to pray? We invite you to consider the diverse types of prayer found in our scripture and the broad Christian tradition. John Hamer will lead our exploration of the theme “Teach Us to Pray.” Let us experience the many ways this spiritual practice continues to be meaningful today revisiting prayers offered by ministers from far beyond the walls and carefully selected CCS hymns. We invite you to pray together with our global community of disciples and spiritual seekers. Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm and 6 pm EDT. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - We will begin at 1:45 p.m. Robbie Taylor speaking, assisted by Daryl and Angela McDonald. Contact Don Robb for Zoom details.
Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. Are you between the ages of 13 and 18?
Have you missed hanging out with all your church friends, or attending camps and retreats during the pandemic? Then here's an opportunity for you!!! Summer Youth Retreat Ziontario Campgrounds August 14 - 17th Cost: $150 It's going to be three days of nothing but good vibes!! Please fill out this registration form to let us know if you are planning to attend and then click on the button above to complete additional forms to bring to camp with you along with payment. Registration will begin at 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 14th and pick up time will be between 2 - 3 p.m. on Wednesday August 17th. Pastors, parents, grandparents.. Please consider encouraging youth to attend by passing along this information. Financial support is available if needed. COVID Management at Camp We acknowledge that this summer is different for youth camping, with ongoing COVID precautions in place, While we know that there is a risk of COVID-19 in our communities, we will prioritize outdoor programming and dining to limit exposure where possible. We will have health and safety measures in place as directed by public health, along with our own enhanced safety measures (ex: rapid tests upon arrival) and a contingency plan for potential pick up if a camper or staff develop symptoms while at camp. We know that each individual's comfort level varies and know that campers and staff will decide what is best for them when deciding to attend or not. We can’t wait to reconnect as a camp community and we hope to see you at the retreat or some future event. Who to Contact Stacey Brookshaw Nancy Brookshaw Beyond the Walls – Cry for Justice The prophet Amos spoke against increasing disparity between the wealthy and the poor in his time. His vision of God’s Kingdom is a call to social justice. This call resonates with us as we are called to boldly venture into a new understanding of what it means to be a church. How can we build Zion unless we address the social issues in our communities today? Let us explore our theme “Cry for Justice” with Nancy Ross, preaching live from St. St. George, Utah, and our global community of disciples and seekers. ORDER OF WORSHIP PRELUDE: Fugue in A Minor (BWV 947) by Johann Sebastian Bach GREETINGS: John Hamer, Toronto Centre Place CALL TO WORSHIP: Mavis Bolie of Clive, Iowa OPENING HYMN: CCS 555 - Lift Every Voice and Sing INVOCATION: N Bruce Nelson of Lamoni, Iowa PRAYER FOR PEACE: Susan Oxley of West Seattle, Washington GLOBAL WELCOME: Leandro Palacios, Toronto Centre Place (music: GH 354 - Oh, Sometimes the Shadows Are Deep) LIVING CHURCH LESSON: Sally Ndemera of Toronto, Ontario HYMN: CCS180 - We Thank You, O God, for Our Prophets LECTIONARY READING: Wanda Mercer of Clarksville, Indiana SERMON: Nancy Ross, St. George, Utah MEDITATION: Leandro Palacios, Toronto Centre Place CLOSING HYMN: CCS 288 - Let Justice Roll like a River POSTLUDE: Allegro non troppo in A Major from 25 Preludes for Piano (Op. 64 No. 7) by César Cui All music performed by the Beyond the Walls Choir and Michael Karpowicz. Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm and 6 pm EDT. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. Scarborough Congregation - Thursday evening online services at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Peter Williams for Zoom info,
Ottawa Congregation - 10:30 Worship. Contact [email protected] for Zoom details. Windsor Congregation - 10:30 Worship. Contact Jeff Moor for Zoom info. SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - We will begin at 1:45 p.m. Rachel Hopkin speaking, assisted by Dave and Sherri Stevenson. Colouring Page. Contact Don Robb for Zoom details. Port Elgin Congregation - 9 a.m. Contact Josephine Amelia Fraser Morgan for Zoom details. La Salle Road Congregation - In person @ 10:30 a.m. or connect via Zoom. No service July 23 & 30. Contact Lorrie Mootrey for Zoom details Reaching Out - Generally meets twice a month. Please sign up for email notices by clicking here. Kitchener Congregation - Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact John & Ruth Black for details. First People Community of Christ (FPCC) - Reaching out to Native People across North America and the World! Online Prayer and Testimonies Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. and Worship Sundays at 7 p.m. Contact Larry Buchanan for ZOOM details. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. Hello everyone,
As a community, we all know the power our camping programs have in positively impacting the lives of our youth. We have missed out on Kids Camp, Jr. High and Sr. High camping programming for the last few years and all of the joy, ministry and friendships they bring. We acknowledge that this summer is different for youth camping, with ongoing COVID precautions in place, however, the CEM Mission Centre President Team, CEM Camping Team and leaders in our youth camping community have been in discussions about a way to reconnect the youth during this camping season. It was through these discussions that brought us to planning and running a short Summer Youth Retreat at Ziontario Campgrounds for ages 13 - 18. The Summer Youth Reatreat will be held August 14th-17th and we hope it will give youth a chance to reconnect, recharge and enjoy time together as we look forward to Kids Camp, Junior High Camp and Sr. High Camp programming next year 🤞🤞. While we know that there is a risk of COVID-19 in our communities, we will prioritize outdoor programming and dining to limit exposure where possible. We will have health and safety measures in place as directed by public health, along with our own enhanced safety measures (ex: rapid tests upon arrival) and a contingency plan for potential pick up if a camper or staff develop symptoms while at camp. We know that each individual's comfort level varies and know that campers and staff will decide what is best for them when deciding to attend or not. We can’t wait to reconnect as a camp community and we hope to see you there. Registration forms and more details are coming soon! Stay tuned! To the Sr. High Camp Community,
Our team has been working extremely hard in preparation for your Sr. High Camp Community program to run this August. We were excited and hopeful about the chance to get together at Noronto and to embrace one another again. After two long years of being apart, we know that the community was hopeful as well. As you may know, the Ontario Health’s Chief Medical Officer has officially announced that we have entered a 7th wave of COVID-19 with the highly contagious Omicron BA.5 subvariant. The information shared indicates that this new wave is experiencing exponential growth and will peak over the next 4 weeks. We feel that it would be very difficult to mitigate the risk of a probable outbreak at camp. It is with deep regret, but with concern for the safety and well being of our community, and with the support of the CEM camping commission, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our 2022 Noronto Sr. High Camp. We are saddened by this reality but we know that our connection and love in this community is strong. Please take care of yourself and one another. We look forward to next year when past and new campers can continue in the Community Building experience! With love, Your 2022 Noronto Sr. High Camp Community Director Team *We are a scent-free retreat. Please refrain from using
perfume, after-shave, cologne, Axe Body Spray, etc. Thank you! **We are trying to keep the registration fee as low as possible so that all who want to attend may. An offering may be taken up during the retreat if costs exceed our income. ![]() Thursday, August 18 to Sunday, August 21 Maberly, Ontario The theme this year is geared towards superheroes! Beyond the Walls – Who Is My Neighbour? Judy Luffman of Redmond, Oregon, explores “The Parable of the Good Samaritan”, found in Luke 10:25-37. Live ministry will also come from locations across North America. Let’s gather with disciples and seekers from around the world to consider “Who Is My Neighbour?” Join us at 12 PM or 6 PM (EDT.) Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm and 6 pm EDT. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. Scarborough Congregation - Thursday evening online services at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Peter Williams for Zoom info,
Ottawa Congregation - 10:30 Worship. Contact [email protected] for Zoom details. Windsor Congregation - 10:30 Worship. Contact Jeff Moor for Zoom info. SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - We will begin at 1:45 p.m. Shone Carson and Paula Tite presiding. Consider the following questions: Who do you consider to be your neighbours? Share how you have shown love to a neighbour in the past? Do you have any new ideas of how you may reach out and broaden the scope of your neighbour pool? Colouring Page Contact Don Robb for Zoom details. Port Elgin Congregation - 9 a.m. Contact Josephine Amelia Fraser Morgan for Zoom details. La Salle Road Congregation - In person @ 10:30 a.m. or connect via Zoom. No service July 23 & 30. Contact Lorrie Mootrey for Zoom details. Reaching Out - Generally meets twice a month. Please sign up for email notices by clicking here. Kitchener Congregation - Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact John & Ruth Black for details. First People Community of Christ (FPCC) - Reaching out to Native People across North America and the World! Online Prayer and Testimonies Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. and Worship Sundays at 7 p.m. Contact Larry Buchanan for ZOOM details. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. |
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February 2025
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355 Elmira Road North, Unit 129
Guelph, ON N1K 1S5 Canada Canada West Mission: 877-411-2632 Canada East Mission: 888-411-7537 |
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