Celebrate Trinity Sunday with disciples and seekers from around the world! Evangelist Charlie Brown will preach from Melbourne, Florida, on the theme, “Here Am I, Send Me.” Roger Dodson will teach our Peace Lesson. Vivian Betts will offer our invocation from Newark in the United Kingdom and Sandra Mogg will read our Call to Worship from Saint Joseph, Missouri. The lectionary scripture (Isaiah 6:1-8) will be read by Laura Chittenden-Edwards from Carp, Ontario. From Toronto Centre Place, John Hamer will lead our Disciples Generous Response and Leandro Palacios will lead our Mediation on the Message. The Beyond the Walls Choir will premiere hymn CCS 98 “All Creatures of Our God and King,” and will sing CCS 651 “Send Me Forth.” Our inclusive Beyond the Walls church service will take place on May 30, at 12:00 pm EDT. Windsor Congregation - 10:30 Worship. Contact Jeff Moor for Zoom info.
SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - 1:45 p.m. Sharing concerns and prayers. Speaker Troy Roach. Children's Moment included. Contact Don Robb for Zoom info. Port Elgin Congregation - 9 a.m. class. Coffee & Conversation 9:40. Worship 10 a.m. Arland Wicksey will be the speaker, Darrell Belrose presiding. Contact Larry Buchanan for Zoom details. La Salle Road Congregation - Social time from 10:15-10:30. Worship 10:30 a.m. Contact Pastor Vonda den Boer for Zoom details. Reaching Out - Generally meets twice a month. Please sign up for email notices by clicking here. Kitchener Congregation - Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact John & Ruth Black for details. Cambridge Congregation - 11 a.m. Complete Worship Services are held each Sunday at 11:00 am For details go to www.cofchristcambridge.ca. On the calendar page click on the event for the Zoom link. Social time follows the service First People Community of Christ (FPCC) - Reaching out to Native People across North America and the World! Online Prayer and Testimonies Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. and Worship Sundays at 7 p.m. Contact Larry Buchanan for ZOOM details. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. Fastathon 2021: What Can You Do?
This year, due to Covid again, we will be having Fastathon 2021 through our computer screen. This year's event will be on Saturday, June 5 at 7:30 p.m. My youngest daughter, Erica, asked if we could fast this year even though we were away from camp. This year is special for her due to the recent loss of her Uncle, Aaron. The last time she fasted, she was struggling to make the last leg of the fast. Her Uncle reassured her she could do it and she did. She was 12 years old at the time. Erica and I would like to ask for your donation to World Accord as we fast for 36 hours in Aaron’s place. If you would like to join us in the fast, you are more than welcome to. We will begin Friday, June 4th at 11 pm and break our fast Sunday, June 6 at 11:00 a.m. If you wish to join us online to learn more, we are hosting our Fastathon 2021 evening event on June 5th at 7:30 p.m. for a video presentation and online Bingo (zoom link to follow). We invite you to join us in fasting but fasting is not required to attend. Donations may be made by clicking the link below Thank you for your generous and continued support that blesses people in need. Thanks! Becky Grigsby A global celebration of Pentecost. The story of the Holy Spirit from the Tower of Babel to Pentecost in 50 languages read by disciples and seekers from around the world in their native tongue. All passages will be captioned in English, French, and Spanish, as well as the reader’s language. The Beyond the Walls Choir will premier hymns CCS 377 “Sizohamba Naye” in five languages, and CCS 485 “Wind Who Makes All Winds that Blow.” Our inclusive Beyond the Walls church service will take place on Sunday, May 23rd, at 12:00 pm EDT Windsor Congregation - 10:30 Worship. Contact Jeff Moor for Zoom info.
SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - 1:45 p.m. Sharing concerns and prayers. Our journey of faith this afternoon will be that of life, love, faith and fun. We will be exploring the following; 1. What does it mean to be made in the image of God? 2. You-Your body, soul, and spirit were formed and skillfully wrought by God with each day of your life fashioned in detail like the pages in a book Psalms 139 3. Do we always see it, our faith? 4. Jesus runs to the mess. 5. You need to know who you are in Christ? This service will be packed full of fun and laughter. Please remember to wear a fun costume, hats and glasses. Bring at least five sheets of paper and a pen or pencil and all the fixings to make banana splits…yummy! Please join us for a time of reflection where we can just put aside all that is weighing on us and have some fun with God. P.S. If you don’t want to make banana splits, bring your veggies and build a veggie banana split. Or just come and join in on the fun and watch us be silly. If you have not sent Shone a baby picture yet please send her one as soon as possible. Also, if you were to have a T shirt made with a saying to celebrate God‘s positivity in the world what would it be? Shone's email is: [email protected] Contact Don Robb for Zoom info. Port Elgin Congregation - 9 a.m. class. Coffee & Conversation 9:40. Worship 10 a.m. Jim Poirier will be the speaker. Contact Larry Buchanan for Zoom details. La Salle Road Congregation - Social time from 10:15-10:30. Worship 10:30 a.m. Contact Pastor Vonda den Boer for Zoom details. Reaching Out - Generally meets twice a month. Please sign up for email notices by clicking here. Kitchener Congregation - Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact John & Ruth Black for details. Cambridge Congregation - 11 a.m. Complete Worship Services are held each Sunday at 11:00 am For details go to www.cofchristcambridge.ca. On the calendar page click on the event for the Zoom link. Social time follows the service First People Community of Christ (FPCC) - Reaching out to Native People across North America and the World! Online Prayer and Testimonies Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. and Worship Sundays at 7 p.m. Contact Larry Buchanan for ZOOM details. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. As part of the e-camping experience at Canada East Mission this summer, we are organizing a pen pal program to help connect our children/youth with seniors within our community. Each child/youth who registers will be matched up with a senior and they will be asked to commit to writing letters, with or without drawings/crafts four times (or more if they wish!) through the summer. Each time the senior receives their letter they will be expected to return a letter as well.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating (senior or child/youth), please let us know. Keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that we will have a match for every senior’s name we receive and we may have to prioritize depending on the number or participants. When registering, please include the following information:
Please send the above information by JUNE 6, 2021 to: Amy Unruh OR Becky Grigsby Religion: The BIG Questions Tuesdays, June 1 - 13 Join us to explore religiosity, secularism, and how religion intersects with liberalism and Western democracies. Learn:
From Crises Through Transformation Systemic Solutions: Transforming to the Circular Economy Sunday, June 13, 5pm EDT Join further discussions about these topics on these dates: Thursday, June 24, 9 pm EDT Or Sunday, June 27, 5 pm EDT ![]() We need systemic change in our economic model. Explore how to take our current Discard Economy and transform it to a Circular Economy which works better both socially and economically. In this session we start examining the pervasive structural issues that shape our world--in this case the basic economic model. (Note: consumerism will be a separate session). Our current practice is a Create-Use-Discard economy that results in ravaged mountains, toxic tailing ponds, abusive child labour, abandoned oil wells, and mountains of trash. The old model generally considers resources to be endless, waste to be of no consequence, and the implications for Nature to be negligible. Lugano will share an alternative model: the Circular Economy. From the ground up, once new resources enter this modular system, the model tracks resources and keeps re-using and replacing them as long as possible. In addition, Lugano will briefly share his insights from working on 100,000-person “city within a city,” where flexibility and change can occur more nimbly. Lugano Kapembwa is co-founder and CEO of Loopcycle, a circular technology platform embedding lasting traceability that redefines how customers manage, recover and resell their used products. Prior to this role, Lugano worked on a $5 billion project, delivering sustainability and resource efficiency programs as Energy and Environment Lead for Canary Wharf Management, the landlord arm of Canary Wharf Group—owners of the 128 acre estate and mini-city district in London, UK. Lugano holds a M.Sc. in Law and Environmental Science and a B.Sc. in Environmental Science. Come join us in the Climate Webinar on June 13, with Lugano Kapembwa. Invite your friends to join as well. All sessions are free. Participation in previous webinars and conversations is not necessary to join in this opportunity. If you registered for a past webinar or conversation, you do not need to register again. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom link a few days before each webinar, panel and conversation.
This is an online ministry sponsored by the Greater Pacific Northwest USA Mission Center for Community of Christ. The North American Climate Justice Team are the planners, with members from GPNWMC, Canada East, Canada West, IWMC, SPMC, and SPIMC. You are invited... All Voices Canada-Wide Conference Saturday, May 15 12-3 p.m. EDT ZOOM Gathering Add your voice to a Canada-wide Zoom conference, sharing the things we love about Community of Christ and our hopes for the future as we look forward to a time past the lockdowns. Please join us for a conversation with your church family. Hear testimonies from the rich tapestry of voices who experience Community of Christ in Canada. Join topical break-out rooms to chat about all the interesting ways individuals experience the church and further its mission. Plan to participate in this time of intentional reflection and discernment. Enjoy the community, collaboration, and cross-Canada friendship. Registration not required. Simply click the button below to join the conference Saturday, May 15 @ 12 PM EDT. You may join 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. (Please do not share this link publicly in order to preserve security of the meeting.) Click the link below to see the entire conference plan including the Sunday All Voices worship service.
Join us this Sunday, May 16th for a special Testimony Service on the theme “A Prophetic People.” Testimony services have deep roots in our Christian tradition. On this occasion we are meditating on the questions: (1) What passions or experiences inspire you to take part in Community of Christ? (2) What would you be excited to see and do as we step forward as a community? The Testimony Service is part of the All Voices Canada Conference and will include a diverse collection of passionate disciples and seekers from across the country. However, the Spirit is not confined by boundaries and you don’t have to be in Canada to share in this revelatory experience! Please join us live and share your voice! Sunday, May 16th, at 12:00 pm EDT. Windsor Congregation - 10:30 Worship. Contact Jeff Moor for Zoom info.
SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - 1:45 p.m. Sharing concerns and prayers. Our worship will include some children's activities and testimonies of how God has blessed our lives. Contact Don Robb for Zoom info. Port Elgin Congregation - 9 a.m. class. Coffee & Conversation 9:40. Worship 10 a.m. Wendell Martin will be the speaker. Contact Larry Buchanan for Zoom details. La Salle Road Congregation - Social time from 10:15-10:30. Worship 10:30 a.m. Contact Pastor Vonda den Boer for Zoom details. Reaching Out - Generally meets twice a month. Please sign up for email notices by clicking here. Kitchener Congregation - Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact John & Ruth Black for details. Cambridge Congregation - 11 a.m. Complete Worship Services are held each Sunday at 11:00 am For details go to www.cofchristcambridge.ca. On the calendar page click on the event for the Zoom link. Social time follows the service First People Community of Christ (FPCC) - Reaching out to Native People across North America and the World! Online Prayer and Testimonies Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. and Worship Sundays at 7 p.m. Contact Larry Buchanan for ZOOM details. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. I am gifting music books of hymns to anyone how would like them. One of our pianists passed away and her children did not want these music books. So they are up for grabs. Here is a listing of what is available to a good home.
Love and Blessings Arland Wicksey Join disciples and seekers from around the world for our Beyond the Walls Spring Hymn Festival. The Beyond the Walls Choir, led by Leandro Palacios and accompanied by Michael Karpowicz has provided miraculous musical ministry throughout the course of the past year. In this service, we will share selections from the more than 100 hymns they have recorded. We will also share insights, lessons, and prayers, from the rich guest ministry with which we’ve been gifted in Beyond the Walls. Our inclusive Beyond the Walls church service will take place on Sunday, May 9th, at 12:00 pm EDT. Add your voice to the Chorister for future broadcasts by clicking the link below. Windsor Congregation - 10:30 Worship. Contact Jeff Moor for Zoom info.
SLIM (Sharing Love in Mission) - 2 p.m. This Sunday's worship will be focused on the Sacrament of Ordination. Susan Flight will be ordained to the office of Priest. We look forward to seeing the Sharing Love in Mission community sharing and supporting this next step of ministry for Susan. Contact Don Robb for Zoom info. Port Elgin Congregation - 9 a.m. class. Coffee & Conversation 9:40. Worship 10 a.m. Guests Vickie & Doug MacArthur, song service. Contact Larry Buchanan for Zoom details. La Salle Road Congregation - Social time from 10:15-10:30. Worship 10:30 a.m. Contact Pastor Vonda den Boer for Zoom details. Reaching Out - Generally meets twice a month. Please sign up for email notices by clicking here. Kitchener Congregation - Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact John & Ruth Black for details. Cambridge Congregation - 11 a.m. Complete Worship Services are held each Sunday at 11:00 am For details go to www.cofchristcambridge.ca. On the calendar page click on the event for the Zoom link. Social time follows the service First People Community of Christ (FPCC) - Reaching out to Native People across North America and the World! Online Prayer and Testimonies Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. and Worship Sundays at 7 p.m. Contact Larry Buchanan for ZOOM details. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. |
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February 2025
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355 Elmira Road North, Unit 129
Guelph, ON N1K 1S5 Canada Canada West Mission: 877-411-2632 Canada East Mission: 888-411-7537 |
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