The newest edition of Ziontario’s newsletter is here! Inside, you’ll find a look back at the summer season, meet the new board members, and discover highlights from the campground.
Check it out here on our website.
By Debra Whitworth
With an age range from 55 to 91, the 2024 Young at Heart retreat at Camp Noronto brought together a dynamic group at the end of September for an unforgettable week of fun and friendship. The retreat offered a mix of learning, creativity, and fun. Brian Carwana took us on a virtual journey to India, sharing captivating images from his trip and leading a lesson on “Americanized religions.” He also inspired us with his passion for Encounter World Religions and its growing presence in schools, businesses, and police forces. Thank you, Brian, for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your knowledge and enthusiasm! Lew Shepherdson, both a camper and guest presenter, helped us reflect on 40 years of women in the priesthood. Through thoughtful conversations and his always-informative slides, we explored where we’ve been and where we’re headed. For a lighter session, Lew delighted us with a fun exploration of the quirks of the English language, tracing the evolution of words through time. Another highlight was a visit from a local Tai Chi group, arranged by Clair Shepherdson. Their demonstration of Tai Chi’s health benefits captured our attention and added an element of mindfulness to the week. Every day was full of activities to engage both body and mind. Mornings began with stretches, followed by games like flyswatter volleyball, card making, book talks, and sharing our hobbies. The traditional Thanksgiving meal brought everyone together, and each evening ended with lively rounds of “Pass-the-Ace,” where laughter echoed across the room. Campfire singsongs, led by Doug Bolger, created magical moments. With the lights dimmed and the fire glowing, we sang along to lyrics thoughtfully prepared for the overhead screen. Thank you, Doug, for making these evenings so special! A heartfelt thanks goes to Bonnie Bolger, our incredible camp cook, and her helpers. From delicious meals to endless snacks, they kept us well-fed and energized throughout the week. The retreat closed with a beautiful Communion service presided over by Marilyn Graham, leaving everyone feeling spiritually uplifted. Thank you to all who helped organize this meaningful moment. Between scheduled activities, there was time to walk the peaceful campgrounds or catch up with friends—new and old. It was fantastic to welcome a few “Newbies” this year, and we’re thrilled to hear they had such a great experience. Young at Heart is open to adults of all ages, not just retirees. Next year’s retreat is scheduled for September 22–26, 2025. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for another week of inspiration, fellowship, and fun Are you feeling overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of school and life? This Thanksgiving, take a much-needed break and join us for a relaxing weekend retreat at Ziontario Campground, designed specifically for high school students in grades 9-12. It’s your chance to unplug, slow down, and enjoy a peaceful setting filled with nature, reflection, and fun. From quiet walks in the woods to engaging workshops on finding balance in life, this retreat offers the perfect way to recharge. You’ll also have plenty of time to connect with friends, enjoy delicious meals, and create lasting memories.
🗓️ When:
📍 Where: Ziontario Campgrounds 💰 Cost: $90 (including HST) ✨ Retreat Highlights:
⏳ Please register by Friday, September 27th 📧 Questions? Contact Regan Ross at [email protected] Take a step back, breathe, and connect this Thanksgiving🍁 As I watched the 2024 Paralympics a Toyota commercial came on with the tag line “We Believe No Journey is Taken Alone”. That struck me hard. There I was watching the Paralympics particularly because a former student of mine was competing. I knew that she had never been on that journey to compete alone. I knew with certainty that she had had family, friends, teachers, coaches, and I’m sure so many more at her side all along the way. When I saw her compete, I actually saw all of her supporters too, and my eyes filled with tears knowing the love that was being sent her way.
“We Believe No Journey is Taken Alone” Noronto Reunion 2024 for me was filled with the knowledge that the people of Noronto were on a special journey together. As Director, I was definitely not alone. I learned very early on in my directing career that challenges would arise, and that the quicker I gave them up to God to get them sorted out the better. I’d calmly (believe it or not) present the problem and then sleep on it. Some pretty incredible answers came my way. This year that happened numerous times. Here are but a few: • We needed a head cook because our wonderful Jeff Phelps was under the weather. In conversation with Rick MacGregor, who lives in Arizona and hadn’t been to Noronto in years!!!! He said to me “Cathy I could be head cook”. The other wonders that happened in that Noronto kitchen and dining room are just too many to recount! Those teams were just plain God sent! • We needed some Older Youth leaders. I prayed one evening for some people to be sent our way. The very next day I got a call from Mark Fryer asking me if we had any room for a relative of theirs who was a Graceland Rep. That is the way that Noronto Reunion was blessed with Cadence Sires and her grandmother Deb Crowley as our Older Youth leaders. • We needed Guest ministry. Ask me sometime how we got Andrea and Mark Johnson as our guest ministry. I still can’t believe how that happened! Andrea and Mark were just who we needed. They were a couple sent to us from God via South Carolina and Michigan!!! “We Believe No Journey is Taken Alone” • Noronto Reunion 2024 had a Leadership Team of 8 people • Noronto Reunion 2024 had 56 people, of all ages, on the official Personnel List (Passionate talent unleashed to make so many wonderful things take place.) • Noronto Reunion 2024 had volunteers in every one of its 196 “on the grounds” participants of all ages — Children and Youth, side by side with Adults, doing everything that needed to be done. (I particularly loved the new aprons I saw worn in the dining hall for KP — everyone looked so official, and yet cheery!) • Noronto Reunion 2024 participants reached out to the world beyond the Reunion Grounds and so many, many people reached back— Australia, Africa, South America, and so many more places were represented in the sending of greetings and good wishes The words “It takes a village” came to life all through Noronto Reunion 2024. At an Under the Pine Tree session during Reunion, someone spoke about how someone in their family had been sought out over the years to lead meetings in the professional association they belonged to. When asked how this person had learned to lead meetings, the answer was because he had had practice in his church. Can you imagine the leadership power that Noronto Reunion is building!! I saw it at every turn as I walked through the journey of Noronto Reunion 2024. • I was stopped in my tracks to listen as the directions — and explanations of why we do it that way!!! — were being given by the head of our Dining Room to a KP team. I couldn’t have been prouder in that moment. And, as an aside, one of our children said that her favourite thing at Reunion was doing KP!! • I witnessed an 11 year old girl and her dad lead a hugely popular, well attended, Trivia night. • I have proudly been very aware of some young volunteers who have given service for many years to making sure that our kitchen always has fresh, clean, laundered items. • My heart was blessed each time I heard someone calling someone else by name — including them on their journey — Appreciating, Recognizing, Encouraging — leaders all. Noronto Reunion is never just a “one and done” event. This is a living, breathing, community. Lifelong connections are made and renewed here. Being fully immersed in a Community of Christ experience for a week brings untold riches to those who come. I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced it first hand. While I, as director, help to facilitate this experience, I can’t even in my wildest dreams, imagine the full immediate effect or the ripple effect of all of this. We go our own ways — together — and draw on our experiences, and each other, as needed. What has happened is so subtle that we don’t often really realize the blessing of it all. It’s ours to call on at any given moment. God is with us, and we are with each other. “We Believe No Journey Is Taken Alone” Seventy Cathy Baker Noronto Reunion 2024 Director We were so thrilled to be able to host Kids Camp at Erie Beach this year, as it has been a long time since we have had a youth camp there. We had 15 wonderful campers and 10 staff join us for our Great Treasure Hunt!
We learned about listening for God’s voice and waiting for treasures in heaven instead of getting distracted by earthly treasures. There was lots of treasure hunting on the beach and creating crafts to preserve them. Our banquet brought out some colourful characters, such as Captain Hook, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan and Smee, where the campers enjoyed having the staff serve them dinner and do KP. We also learned about geocaching and were able to find one, as well as make one of our own! You will have to try and find it next time you are at the Beach! Can’t wait to see what next year brings! We hope to see you all there! Jenn Pederson co-director McGowan’s Lake 2024 Reunion took place this year from August 16th to 21st. The theme "Heal the Earth" created a memorable impact on our attendees’ attitudes, knowledge, and behaviour toward the environment. As stewards of God‘s creation, we left camp inspired to become better protectors of the fragile balance of our planet.
Our attendance was lower this year than in past years, in part due to our old adversary, COVID, and other various health issues. We had 16 adults and 3 children registered for the duration of the Reunion, and there were several other day visitors. Vonda DenBoer of the CEM Presidency Team was our guest minister, and she brought a unique and powerful ministry to our worship and intergenerational sessions. In addition to our daily classes, hymn sings, and devotions, other presentations and hands-on activities included learning how to make a miniature compost bin, creating reusable greeting cards, building bat houses, collecting items from nature to create a meditative mandala, assembling personal hygiene kits for refugees living at Matthew House, utilizing old fire hoses to create feeders and other enrichment articles for the Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, chats under the trees, and making wildflower seed paper. We also enjoyed campfires, games, good food, assembling an earth puzzle, tablecloth art, rock painting, movies, Kahoot!, recognition of the 150th anniversary of the church seal, a pancake breakfast in support of World Accord, and a silent auction, as well as connecting with old friends and meeting new ones. Like the Noronto and Loaves and Fishes Reunions, we benefitted from the beautiful thematic "Heal the Earth" posters created by Natasha Buchanan. The weather was very wet and cool during the Reunion, but that created an atmosphere for us to gather closer together. Participants were great at stepping up, often taking on new roles, to fill in the last-minute vacancies created by sickness or when otherwise needed. Thank you, everyone! It was terrific to be with our returning campers as well as our new friends. As the campfire song goes, ‘Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold.’ Everyone is precious. We leave our 2024 Reunion experience, after a break from our daily routines, with a fresh outlook and a desire to notice how we relate to and interact with the natural world. May our everyday choices be beneficial to the planet. C U Next Year! Erie Beach Reunion 2024 encompassed all of what we are, fellowship, enfolding, spirit filled, commitments made, buckets filled, relationships renewed and strengthened, heritage respected and hope for our future.
We left there remembering the sacraments of baptism and ordination. We left there looking for what we will need to move forward. We left there with hope. Our wonderful youth who were the largest in numbers stepped out in leadership...took on new roles and gave us a feeling of pride and security in the direction that we are moving. Our beautiful grounds gave us the opportunity to look at the theme of Heal the Earth as we learned about trees in a new way and were able to plant some while there. We are looking forward to Reunion 2025. Looking forward to seeing everyone and looking forward to enfolding those that are new in our Christ filled love. Join us for the 14th annual Young at Heart Retreat surrounded by the beauty of Noronto campground in the fall! We will be eating good food, enjoying stimulating conversation, living, laughing and reveling in God’s autumnal artistry on the shore of Lake Nipissing. This year’s guest minister will be Lew Shepherdson.
By: Amy Unruh - Camp Co-Director
Noronto Children’s Camp welcomed 21 campers this year for a fun-filled weekend exploring the theme “Who Am I?” Both new and returning campers learned fun youth camp rituals, songs and traditions. Highlights included building birdhouses and cooling off on the slip n slide on Saturday afternoon. Come spend time with friends, old and new, as we reflect on ourselves, how we fit in the world, and God’s calling for us. We’ll have good food, lots of laughs, and take part in everyone’s favourite activities like swimming, campfire, sports and crafts. Bring something nice for the end of the week and enjoy a special banquet to wind up the week.
Online registration is open until August 1st, after that please bring your registration forms to camp with you. |
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