We were deeply saddened to hear that Jim Crum passed away earlier this afternoon. He had been in poor health for some time and went into hospice about a week or so ago. Services are pending.
Jim served as the Ontario Region Bishop (Bishop of Canada) in the early to mid 70’s working alongside Alex Kahtava. Let us gather as the church Beyond the Walls to celebrate Pride experiencing the ministry of Harmony. Join hundreds of participants from around the world this Sunday, June 28th, on the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, one of the most important events leading to the modern fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Parker Johnson, the president of Harmony, will offer the message on the theme "Practice Radical Hospitality." Our lectionary scripture comes from MATTHEW 10:40-42. Other ministers will join us live from Belgium, Canada and the USA including Linda Stanbridge, Elray Henriksen, Jerry Dale Jr, Heather Dixon, Peter Smith, Mike Roberts, Eliza Horning, Sean Langdon and Tammie Lay. Apostle Robin Linkhart will offer the communion blessing for anyone who wishes to partake of this sacrament. The Beyond the Walls choir will premiere CCS 342 - "Too Often, God, Your Name Is Used" and CCS 276 - “All Are Welcome” with Michael Karpowicz at the piano. We invite everyone to sing with us. This inclusive online church service is an opportunity to share a sacred moment together regardless of physical location. All are welcome and invited! Harmony (formerly GALA and WCN) is a non-profit organization that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, their allies, family and friends, celebrating our diversity and envisioning full participation for all in the life and ministry of the church. SLIM (Sharing Love in Ministry) - 2 p.m. Theme: Christ's Mission, Our Mission. Anthony Smith will share about CK Pride. Sean Moore will share about the food program he started in CK and our keynote speaker will be David Barth from World Accord to share about their efforts to Abolish Poverty and End Needless Suffering. Contact Don Robb for Zoom info.
Port Elgin Congregation - 10 a.m. Contact Larry Buchanan for Zoom details. La Salle Road Congregation - 11 a.m. Contact Pastor Vonda den Boer for Zoom details. Cambridge Congregation - Zoom Church each Sunday in June. To join, go to www.cofchristcambridge.ca. Click the calendar page and scroll down to the date then click on Worship service. Zoom ID number and Password are listed there. Reaching Out - Generally meets twice a month. Please sign up for email notices by clicking here. Kitchener Congregation - Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact Carman Thompson for details. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. President Stephen Veazey shares some of his own experience in awakening to and confronting racial injustice. His challenge focuses on how racism denies the Worth of All Persons, one of the church’s Enduring Principles.
![]() Oh The Places You'll Go! Our Community of Christ legacy going back 150 years has been relationally blessed, inspired and grown through a variety of camping ministries. In 2020 COVID-19 has paused this person-to person experience and put a huge damper on a vital program in the life of Community of Christ. But have no fear! In response, devoted camping leaders have been planning alternative experiences for our community for the last two months. We are calling our continuing summer events e-Camping. Starting the week of July 5th, a whole summer of e-Camping programming has been created to highlight experiences at our Family Reunions, Kid’s camp, Jr High camp and Sr High camp. There are all the familiar happenings for you to join such as worship, classes on the reunion text, chats, campfire, etc, Some sessions will be offered just for kids through the leadership of Kid’s Camp, Jr. High or Sr. High Camp while others will be led by leaders from our Reunions. This may be your opportunity to attend a summer camp for the first time or to try out a camp or activity that you have never been to before. You can experiment or sample from a wide variety of gatherings. It’s so easy and sure to be fun as you meet up with your friends throughout Canada East Mission or meet new friends. You’ll receive an email shortly with all the instructions to register (all events are free so be sure to invite your friends to join in). Choose the activities that you would like to participate in. You’ll receive a zoom link and with a click, oh the places you'll go!!! Congratulations! This is your summer. You’re off to Great Places! It won’t be a bummer! With the click of the mouse, You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself Any direction you choose. You’ll look up and down the lists. Look ‘em over with care. About some you will say, “I can’t wait to go there.” In that case of course, you’ll head straight out of town. It’s opener there In the wide open air. Out there things can happen And frequently do To people as curious And footsy as you. And when things start to happen, don’t worry, don’t stew. Just go right along. You’ll start happening too. OH THE PLACES YOU’LL GO! You’ll join a spiritual movement. You’ll soar to high heights. When you’re in a slump, You’re not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself Is easily done. With the click of a mouse Some windows will be lighted. Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in? How much can you lose? Oh, how much can you win? This global pandemic Sent everyone down long wiggled roads That grind on for miles across weirdish wild space, headed, I fear, toward a most boring place. THE WAITING PLACE… …for people just waiting. Waiting for a picnic, A soccer game or a pool party Or a visit to grandma and grandpa’s Or the phone to ring, or a hair cut Or a sleepover with friends Or karate, gymnastics, or a Bridge game Or the movie theatre to reopen Or waiting for a Yes or No. EVERYONE is just WAITING. No! That’s not for YOU. Somehow you’ll escape All that waiting and staying. You’ll find the bright places Where Holy Spirit is playing. With e-camping calling Once more you’ll ride high! Ready for anything under the sky. Ready because you’re that kind of a guy. Oh the places you’ll go! There’s fun to be done! There are laughs to be laughed. There are songs to be sung. There are people to meet. There are thoughts to be pondered. There are lots of new experiences to be wandered. All alone? No, not a chance. Together we’ll glance Living Jesus, Living Peace in a world full of dance. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.) OLD OR YOUNG, YOU’LL MOVE MOUNTAINS! So… Be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray Or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O’Shea, You’re off to Great Places! This is your summer! Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way! Hope to see you “somewhere” over the summer. Greetings –
Earlier this month church leaders in Canada were made aware of a unique opportunity to partner with the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) in a timely joint statement recognizing and marking the International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPAD) in the Canadian context. As the world continues to reel from George Floyd’s murder in the United States, it is imperative that we look inward at our own racial biases here in Canada to support positive change in our own communities. With this opportunity to stand up for racial justice in mind, we distributed a survey to you via our mission centre mailing lists as well as our social media channels. You responded with swift and overwhelming support. We received over 100 responses from all across the country, and the results are in:
We hear you, and I have asked Kerry Richards, our designated representative with CCC, to proceed in formally adding Community of Christ’s support to the joint statement. Jonathan Schmidt, Intercultural Chair of the Canadian Council of Churches, had this to say about our process to survey membership: “I really like the engagement you are doing across Canada--making this more than simply signing on as a leader, but also engaging your communities in conversation.” We see value in- and are proud of- our culture of theocratic democracy. Thank you for helping us to bring this unique aspect of our tradition to the CCC. While signing a document in and of itself is not enough, it is the beginning of a larger ecumenical conversation and actionable steps. By joining this declaration, we are making strides toward fulfilling our call to “…work tirelessly to tear down walls of separation and to build bridges of understanding.” (Doctrine and Covenants 162:6b) We seek reconciliation within our own denomination and through our communities across Canada, and we look forward to hearing from you about the unique ways in which you prioritize to combat anti-Black racism in your congregations. With gratitude, Apostle Art Smith ![]() by Pat Brown I wanted to share a special story about my granddaughter and her recent kindness. She is 10 yrs old and a member of Community of Christ Faubert Dr. in Chatham. She recently took it upon herself to write letters to 3 of her friends from school and gymnastics who had been having disagreements with her before COVID happened. She asked each of them if they could start over being friends again and get together sometime when the pandemic is over. She mentioned to them that everyone has bad days, her too. Each of the girls contacted her and agreed to start over being friends again and get together sometime. I am so very proud of her for taking this step that a lot of adults would have difficulty doing. I told her she did what Jesus would have wanted her too do and that he would be very proud of her too. We can learn so much from the children in this world. They can be the best examples for adults. Let's come together with hundreds of participants from around the world as the congregation Beyond the Walls. Be part of our inclusive online church service this Sunday, June 21st, a time to pause and share a sacred moment together in times of physical distancing and uncertainty. All are welcome and invited! Roger Dodson, will offer the message on the theme "Discipleship and the Cross." Our lectionary scripture comes from MATTHEW 10:24-39. Canada West Mission Centre President, Stephen Thompson will offer the Disciples Generous Response. Other ministers will join us live from locations across Canada and the USA including Meredith Carr, Marilyn Loucks Smith, Nadine Manson, and Raymond Ortiz. Come and sing with us! The Beyond the Walls choir with Michael Karpowicz at the piano will premiere:
SLIM (Sharing Love in Ministry) - 2 p.m. Speaker for Sunday will be High Priest Kevin Anderson from the Michigan Mission Centre. Kevin and his wife Nanette shared at Erie Beach Reunion just a few years ago.Contact Don Robb for Zoom info.
Port Elgin Congregation - 10 a.m. Contact Larry Buchanan for Zoom details. La Salle Road Congregation - 11 a.m. Contact Pastor Vonda den Boer for Zoom details. Cambridge Congregation - Zoom Church each Sunday in June. To join, go to www.cofchristcambridge.ca. Click the calendar page and scroll down to the date then click on Worship service. Zoom ID number and Password are listed there. Reaching Out - Generally meets twice a month. Please sign up for email notices by clicking here. Kitchener Congregation - Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact Carman Thompson for details. Other Online Ministries are available from many varied places for you to connect with. Our Mission Centre is looking for artists and for those who are proficient in computer drawings or renderings. Would you be able to start with a raw image of an empty building space and transform it into sacred space? With your knowledge of Community of Christ symbols, mission and sense of community, you would be designing sacred space with meaning.
This is an important skill set for the church to begin envisioning our transition from traditional church buildings to new spaces in a variety of settings. Our tendency is to resist change so we need to be able to visualize the outcome of what creating new spiritual homes might look like, otherwise, we feel lost that nothing can replace the existing structure even though it has had its day and time and is beyond our affordability. The new will likely be less square foot in size, not have a spire on the roof or be located on a large piece of property. But, the interior look and feel will inspire, have flexible design elements for multiple uses, have technology that extends our reach and enhances our experience and connections. For most of us, this stuff of dreams is too random and illusive that we clutch onto what we have. Creative artistry can grant us new vision so we can picture, experience within and anticipate a special place that meets our highest expectations and is invitational to our local community and our younger generations. If you are artistic and have vision and hope for the church of our future today, please email me to talk about the possibilities. Kerry Richards [email protected] Against the backdrop of the events and protests of the past few weeks, the recent lectionary theme of “Welcome the Stranger” challenges us—as disciples and as a church—to examine our assumptions and attitudes about those who are different from us, and to take concrete steps to educate ourselves about the diversity in our communities.
The upcoming Encounter World Religions Online Discovery Week (July 5-10) is a great opportunity to learn about the religious diversity of our neighbours, colleagues and classmates. Register now or learn more about the week at the Encounter World Religions website. Although we are still self-isolating, this is an opportunity to learn together, and congregations are encouraged to consider using their Education or Leadership Development budgets to sponsor members to attend. Contact Brian Carwana at [email protected] for information about discounts for groups of attendees from the same congregation. Dear friends, In the last couple of years Community of Christ in Canada has been participating as an observer with the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC). While we have not yet been admitted as full members, our engagement has been highly meaningful. We have been building good ecumenical relationships. We now have the opportunity, as an observer at the Council table to add our signature to a joint statement recognizing and marking the International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPAD) in the Canadian context. The International Decade for People of African Descent was declared by the United Nations in 2015 to last through 2024. For more information, we encourage you to review the following resources:
By joining other churches in Canada in this joint statement we would be expressing our desire to join them in asking the CCC to make anti-racism, specifically anti-Black racism, and the goals of the UN IDPAD, a priority. I believe that this is an opportunity for Community of Christ members and congregations in Canada to prophetically respond to these matters with creative engagement as individuals, groups, congregations, and jurisdictions. As Community of Christ Canadian leadership contemplate signing this joint statement, we would be interested in hearing from you. Please complete this survey by Wednesday, June 17, 2020. I also welcome any other feedback on this opportunity.
In the peace of Jesus Christ, Art Smith Field Apostle for Canada |
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Guelph, ON N1K 1S5 Canada Canada West Mission: 877-411-2632 Canada East Mission: 888-411-7537 |
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