Black Lives Matter
Indigenous Lives Matter Lives of People of Colour Matter Today, “We Share… the Peace of Jesus Christ.” “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.” -John 14:27 NRSV “God’s revelation in Jesus Christ and continuing presence through the Holy Spirit, as proclaimed through scripture, is the foundation of our faith, identity, mission, message, and beliefs.” (Sharing in Community of Christ, p. 13) There is no better or firmer statement of how central Jesus Christ is to the Community of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus as recorded in scripture and the continuing presence of the resurrected Jesus among us today, including the Holy Spirit, is the “foundation” for every other statement of faith and belief that we will share in this series of short essays. The church, since its inception in 1830, has had a central concept known as “Zion.” It has always been considered to be representative of the “Kingdom of God” on earth. Early concepts of Zion, indeed concepts that existed well into the twentieth century, envisioned it as a physical, geographic place that would be governed under the prophetic influences of God. Its divine features would “shine as Zion” beyond its borders and positively influence both its neighbours and communities around the world. Today the call to “bring forth and establish the cause of Zion” (Book of Doctrine and Covenants, section 6, verse 3) is understood as “the call to share the peace of Jesus Christ in all of its personal, interpersonal, community, and worldwide dimensions.” (Sharing in Community of Christ, p. 14) Members of Community of Christ are called to be “the church” wherever they live and work and participate in society and to do their part to encourage Christ-like conditions in their part of the world and thus to “build Zion” in a worldwide context. Sharing the peace of Jesus Christ is a concept and process that continues to be explored for greater understanding within the church. We believe that God has more to reveal to us about this great goal. We believe that the call to be disciples of Jesus will make us better citizens and allow us to demonstrate the positive influence that Christian principles can have on local and world-wide communities. 14 For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us. … 17 So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. -Ephesians 2: 14,17 NRSV The peace of Jesus can unite us, can break down walls between us, can resolve hostility, and bring together people both near and far – geographically, spiritually, and politically. In short, the peace of Jesus can change the world! I pray for you God’s blessings of joy, hope, love, and peace in these challenging times. Steve Thompson Canada West Mission Centre President [email protected]
Black Lives Matter
Indigenous Lives Matter Lives of People of Colour Matter It has been a full month since my last “We Share” meditation. Previous entries were on August 13 (“We Share” – general intro to series and to purpose of the phrase) and August 20 (“We Share… a Vision for Creation”). Today, “We Share… A Name.” “Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling.” --Book of Doctrine and Covenants, section 163:1 “Share” here has two definite intended meanings. First, we share the name “Community of Christ” as our denominational name with members around the world. Community of Christ is established in more than 60 nations of the world. The name of the church is officially translated into at least 16 languages (see page 12 of Sharing in Community of Christ). Many primary church publications are translated from English into Spanish and French, which are the three “official languages” of the church. A “core repertoire” of 104 hymns in Community of Christ Sings are provided in multiple languages and are intended to be used in any international and multi-cultural church function settings, including World Conference. Second, we share the name “Community of Christ” with those who visit our services, meetings, and functions and those who seek to learn who we are and what we believe from online and other sources. We share it not only as a name, but also as a statement of our primary identity and purpose: To proclaim Jesus Christ. “Community of Christ” was adopted as our name in 2001. We have been exploring the purpose and the meaning of our name and growing into it ever since. It has truly been the “divine blessing” and the statement of our “identity and calling” as stated in the verse quoted above. “We Share… A Name” in many different ways! I pray for you God’s blessings of joy, hope, love, and peace in these challenging times. Steve Thompson Canada West Mission Centre President [email protected] Black Lives Matter
Indigenous Lives Matter Lives of People of Colour Matter Our first weekend-long online mission centre conference was surely a success by any measure. (Full disclosure: I am undoubtedly somewhat biased due to being so close to the organization process.) We started on Thursday evening with Debra Donohue leading a discussion on “Hopes, Ideas, and Concerns for Re-Opening our Doors” in which we talked about going back to church in our COVID-19 world. On Friday evening I lead a discussion on “Metamorphosis,” which meant ongoing change in the church as a result of budget restraints and cultural or societal evolutions. Saturday evening was a true highlight with guest minister Joey Williams leading an hour of “An Unprecedented Musical Event,” that challenged us to make music in ways that “never have I ever” done that before! It was fun! It was music! And it was truly active participation in our Zoom connections across the mission centre and beyond! We conducted the business of the mission centre in our Pre-Legislative Session and our Business Meeting on Saturday. We elected and appointed people to various positions. We approved audit reports and budgets. We remembered those who have passed away since the last time we met. We celebrated significant life events in the lives of many of our members and friends. And we read reports on the activities around the mission centre from the past year – including a special report on our CWM Online Reunion and viewing a video of our online “CWM Virtually Together” Junior, Junior High, and Senior High Camps. On Sunday we enjoyed a communion worship service with the theme, “Our Unprecedented Journey.” It included a beautiful opening ministry of music by the “Vancouver Ensemble,” a truly invigorating sermon by Joey Williams, ministry from Apostle Art Smith and Bishop of Canada, Dar Shepherdson, and all other worship components were provided by members of the Canada West Mission Centre, representing all four of our provinces, including the CWM Choir singing the closing hymn. Special thanks to the “Beyond the Walls” congregation from Toronto who’s organizational and technological support enabled our service to be shared with over 400 persons who logged onto the service through YouTube and many others who watched via Facebook. See the service again here: “Our Unprecedented Journey.” Sunday afternoon concluded with a beautiful “Afternoon of Nurturing Spirit” with a theme of “Satsang: Singing into Silence,” hosted by Debra Donohue and featuring Vickie and Doug MacArthur leading us in singing and meditation. We also enjoyed a brief final appearance of Joey Williams. The conference finally concludes this Wednesday evening with the Hills of Peace Campground Association “All Members Meeting,” involving members from Alberta and Saskatchewan. It was truly a “long” weekend, but it was an exciting and fulfilling weekend. Thank you to all of the people (too many to name in this space) who planned, organized, and in any supported the conference events. And thank you to all of you who attended and lent your support through your presence and participation. I hope you all agree that it was truly a weekend to remember! I pray for you God’s blessings of joy, hope, love, and peace in these challenging times. Steve Thompson Canada West Mission Centre President [email protected] Black Lives Matter
Indigenous Lives Matter Lives of People of Colour Matter I have promoted the “Unprecedented” Canada West Mission Centre 2020 Online Conference in my messages for at least the last two weeks. Many of you will have received reminders about the conference as a whole and about specific sessions through your email. Consider this your last reminder from me. Events begin Thursday evening and continue Friday evening, most of the day Saturday, Sunday morning and afternoon, and concludes with a meeting on the following Wednesday evening. All of the details, including registration details, are available here. Note: Registration is required to ensure you receive log-on information for each event, but there is no fee for registration. This is a free event. Let me just specifically highlight our Sunday morning worship service. Joey Williams will be our guest speaker and participants from across the mission centre will serve in the other roles in the service, including the debut performance of the Canada West Mission Centre Online Choir! We will celebrate communion in this service, so be sure to have your communion emblems (bread and juice) ready in your home or wherever you will be joining the service from. This service will be supported by the “Beyond the Walls” online congregation from Toronto. Access is available through this YouTube Link. The service will begin at 9 a.m. BC time, 10 a.m. AB and SK time, and 11 a.m. MB time. (Raise hand, change topic.) In the midst of preparing for our conference, the world around us just continues to do what the world around us always does. Life happens. Death happens. The miracle of new lives come into the world. The trials and tribulations, as well as the blessings of life continue to form the lives of everyone on the planet. People fall ill. Many recover. Some do not. The amazing experience of our human lives continues to come to a close for many people each and every day. Sometimes that final breath is expected and may even be celebrated for someone who suffered in the last days of their life. Sometimes that final breath comes suddenly, unexpectedly, sometimes accidentally, sometimes violently. Earlier this week Clifford Olson passed away in the town of Porcupine Plain, Saskatchewan, where he had been an active member of the local Community of Christ congregation for many years. He was also well known at camps at Hills of Peace, often because of the inventive things he would bring along for some purpose – sometimes practical, sometimes just for the entertainment and enjoyment factor. I mention Cliff specifically because on February 17 he celebrated his 109th birthday! At the time an article in the local newspaper said he was Saskatchewan’s oldest person and Canada’s second oldest man. Cliff had a good and long life and he will be missed by his family and friends. I invite you to pause as you read this to remember some significant event in your life or in the life of people close to you. Maybe a birth of a child. Maybe a graduation or a new job. Maybe a marriage. Maybe something as worldly as a new home or a new car. Or maybe the challenge of an illness or injury. Offer a prayer for the person(s) involved. As creations of God we are all miraculous manifestations of the divine spirit in our human forms. In the “busy-ness” of life may we always recognize the miracle that life is and appreciate every moment and blessing that we are given – even if we are given 109 and a half years of such moments! I pray for you God’s blessings of understanding, hope, and peace in these challenging times. Steve Thompson Canada West Mission Centre President [email protected] Continuing education is important aspect of discipleship in Community of Christ. The church in Canada has provided a way for much of this education to happen online through Developmentrics, LLC.
Carla talks with David Lloyd as he explains the format of the classes, what is offered, and how you can benefit from taking Temple School courses online. Host: Carla Long Guest: David Lloyd |
September 2024
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355 Elmira Road North, Unit 129
Guelph, ON N1K 1S5 Canada Canada West Mission: 877-411-2632 Canada East Mission: 888-411-7537 |
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