Written by Shannon McAdam Canada West Mission Centre Co-President In recent weeks, with consultation from various volunteers, our mission centre had to make difficult decisions about cancelling our youth and kids camps at Hills of Peace this summer. While we have all been prepared for a few seasons of slow return to our pre-covid camping program, it is still difficult to admit that as a mission centre, we don’t have the capacity to hold these important gatherings this year.
I think back to my own camping years with fondness. So many memorable experiences, and always a feeling like camp was the only time all year when I felt like I could truly and fully be myself. I had friends who liked me for me, and I looked forward to seeing them. Just a few months ago at a Creating Connection retreat I had a joyful reunion with an old camp friend and it was all we could do to not stay up all night talking just like we did at camp thirty years ago! I think of the leadership skills I learned during my camping years, and how when I was old enough to be a counsellor, I was so excited to be able to volunteer my time in the years when my summers were free of work and school. I think of the many hours of volunteer time so generously offered to create these memories that I hold so dear. Just a couple of months ago at world conference I ran into a number of people who are beloved to me because they directed camps or counselled at camps that I attended as a young person. I still look to them for inspiration and role modeling of how to be a leader. I wonder what memories you have of church camp in your youth? I wonder what memories you have of offering leadership in our camping program? I wonder what time, talents, testimony, or treasure you have capacity to share now in order to help our youngest Canada West Mission Centre members and friends create similar memories in the years to come? We have some extra time now to begin planning for next year’s summer gatherings of our young people. In this liminal season you are invited to help discern how best to ensure we have a full schedule of programming in 2024. All hopes and dreams are welcome! Please consider how you can share generously of your time, talents, testimony, or treasure as we move forward together.
Written by Gwyn Beer Canada West Mission Centre Co-President The Spiritual Retreat at Hills of Peace would have been this week, but sadly it was cancelled because of low registration. The theme for the retreat, “Something is stirring among us, Spirit is stirring among us!” has been part of my thought process since Brenda, Vickie, Art, and I came up with it. As part of the retreat, we were going to be asked to bring a spoon that had meaning for us. This is the story about my spoon.
I have a spoon that is part of my family history. It was my grandmother’s spoon. Grandma Sadie always used this spoon with rice or vegetables. She had lots of grandchildren but I was the one who ended up with this spoon. Looking at the spoon brings me images of my grandmother. Why is it important to me? Seeing the spoon stirs memories of a member of the Community of Christ church who passed on her love of this church to her children and ultimately her grandchildren. She had a very firm belief that she just lived within, leading by example of faith. She was a gentle person who seemed to just love you no matter what. Why am I sharing a story about my grandmother’s spoon? Looking at that spoon makes me want to live my faith like my grandmother did. Your actions show others who you are and I want to reflect the love I feel for this church. God’s spirit is stirring within me to help with the work of this church. Discernment is stirring in me as we move forward in seeking a prophet/president. What is stirring in you? Written by Gwyn Beer Canada West Mission Centre Co-President YOU Are Invited! We have saved a place for YOU!
Thank you for your patience as preparations have been made in getting Spiritual Retreats, Family Camps and Kids Camps ready for you to register! Big THANKS to Lisa Neudorf for helping us this year with REGGIE! Hills of Peace and Samish Island are sacred places for all of us! Join us at either place and feel that wonderful homecoming! If you have never been to the campgrounds, you are invited to come and join us for a weekend, a whole week or even just one day!
While Samish Island and Hills of Peace are beautiful places, they become even more special spaces with YOU there. Greet old friends and make new friends! Spend time in classes, over the dining room table, washing dishes, going to the waterfront, join in singing at the campfire and walk the grounds. It is your time to just BE. Register for a retreat or camp! We have saved a place for YOU! Written by Gwyn Beer Canada West Mission Centre Co-President During May, for our discernment of future leadership in Community of Christ, we were to consider the following question: What are the most significant situations, opportunities, or challenges that a prophetic leader will need to address? June is our time to share our thoughts on this question.
For me, this was WIDE OPEN, so many things to consider, processing those situations (first time for me at conference to hear about “Active Shooter Protocols”) and opportunities and challenges. I felt overwhelmed for our next president/prophet. At World Conference, resolution I-1 on a non-violence statement went through my mind. We could not determine how to answer all the questions associated with trying to give the President and counsellors a concise view of what that statement might look like. Opportunities for the growth of the church abound in the world at large but in North America, there is a shift in how people view church and spirituality. What ways will the president deal with the changing view of church? Challenges include the financial status of the church. There are so many things that the new president/prophet will be dealing with. Spend time in June sharing your thoughts with others you encounter. Offer your thoughts and listen to those you speak to, is there common ground? Are you feeling the weight of this question? Pray on your conversations for clarity and wisdom. July will bring a new question to consider! |
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February 2025
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