By Becky Middleton, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President
Doug and I are currently in Honduras along with Jim Wigood, with Mike Tettenborn and David Levitt soon to join us. We are here to implement a Prince Albert congregation-sponsored project to replace a badly damaged school roof and repair the floor in another. At the same time, Ribstone congregation continues its ongoing initiative, providing school scribblers and pens/pencils for students in need. These supplies are purchased locally—supporting the economy—and distributed by some of our local volunteers. There was literally a truckload of school supplies. There are many generous people who contribute to both of these projects. All volunteers who come do so at their own expense, covering both travel and living costs while here. The people here are no longer strangers but friends who help us help others. Incidentally, we have been reading lately about some well-known celebrities who live simply and donate most of their money to charity. This amounts to millions of dollars in aid and a diverse variety of recipients. Despite what we see on the news, there are many good people in the world who desire to help others have a better life. HOPE IS HERE!
by Shannon McAdam, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President
If you haven’t already had a chance to read the recent Pastoral Letter from January 29th, I encourage you to take a look to learn about the new calls that are being shared in anticipation of World Conference. It still feels a bit odd to say that I have been called to serve as an Apostle, especially when just last weekend my call to High Priest was presented at our special mission centre conference! But God works in mysterious ways, and I am looking forward to this next chapter in my life as a minister as I say Yes to this call. I will be leaving my full-time job in technology to begin working for the church. What the letter doesn’t mention is that I will continue to live in Port Coquitlam and work from home, traveling as needed to where I am called to serve. I will also continue to be part of the Mission Centre President team for Canada West. We have some big changes in front of us as we go about the work of our new Canada Mission Centre design, and I am in many ways happy to be able to give that work more of my attention. I’ve recorded an interview with the Project Zion Podcast that shares some background to my life, and we’ll be sure to share when that is available. In that interview I shared that I’ve found the hymn “You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore” to be quite moving in the past year, especially as I considered this call, and I definitely feel like “I have abandoned my small boat; now with you, I will seek other seas.” I look forward to connecting with many of you in new ways as this next phase unfolds. By Gwyn Beer
Are you staying up to date on everything happening with World Conference 2025? The theme, Hope is Here, invites us to gather in faith and celebration. A video series with Jenn Killpack and Susan Naylor has resumed on Facebook and YouTube to help you stay informed about all things World Conference. The first video, released on Monday, January 13, shared important details like the conference dates—beginning the afternoon of Friday, May 30, and concluding on Friday, June 6. Pentecost Sunday, June 8, marks the start of a new season of hope and renewal. You can watch the “In the Know” video series (and future episodes) by visiting the Community of Christ website. Scroll down to the NEWS banner and click “Learn More.” Look for the blue World Conference box to find the videos, including the most recent episode marked “REPOST: In the Know.” This is also your opportunity to put your name forward as a delegate for World Conference. Delegates will be voted on at the Canada West Mission (CWM) Special Conference on Saturday, January 25. I’ve been to World Conference three times as a delegate—first as a 20-year-old Graceland student and again in 2019 and 2023. Every experience has been amazing. If you have the chance, consider going to Independence, MO, whether to participate as a delegate or simply to experience it for yourself. For me, the Spirit is present in my home congregation and at the church campgrounds I’ve been privileged to visit. But the Spirit I felt in the Auditorium and the Temple in Independence, MO, was unmatched. Even when the buildings were quiet and empty, the sacred presence was undeniable. By Kat Goheen, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President
Happy New Year! We are looking ahead to the coming of One Canada, where we will share services and leadership across the country. Until that happens, we want to provide clarity about how our current personnel are offering ministry in the Mission Centre. Your Mission Centre President Team is Becky Middleton, Shannon McAdam, and Kat Goheen. Their role is to advise, inform, and advocate for the activities of the Mission Centre and Community of Christ in general. They offer support and encouragement and assist in the workings of the Mission Centre, including campground boards, conferences, and congregations. The Communications Team consists of Leandro Palacios and Jeanny Jakobsen. They share news from International Headquarters and the Mission Centre, along with updates about the good work happening close to home. This team manages social media, emails, the Weekly Wire, and CWM Conference materials. Our Creating Connection coordinator, Debra Donohue, helps congregations in CWM with outreach opportunities and provides retreat resources and ministry. She also assists with CWM Conference experiences. Each of these people is committed to the flourishing of the Holy Spirit in western Canada. We hope you feel supported in your discipleship and ministry. By Becky Middleton, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President
Happy New Year one and all! I recently caught up on our local newspaper editions. As you know, the postal strike delayed much of the mail lately. As I opened the paper, I found an article about the retirement of our only local optometrist. My first reaction—though I was happy for our optometrist and his receptionist wife—was Oh no! Now where will we go? They’ve been taking care of the optical needs of our town and area for 50 years! My mind raced: Where do we go? How do we find new people? Will we be able to trust someone else and how they do things? As I read on, the article explained that after a few renovations, the clinic would reopen under a new name in early 2025, with a different optometrist who already runs a clinic in a nearby city. We don’t have to worry. This made me think about the changes coming for the Canada Mission Centre. There will be formational changes (renovations) and new people to meet and get to know. Service locations will be expanding, but the leadership of our Mission Centre will be experienced and ready to help care for the needs of a new Canadian Mission Centre. We’ll need to trust the vision and work together to build a new path. Good things are coming! Greetings friends! We hope you will take 4 minutes out of our day to watch our 2024 Christmas Greeting from your Mission Centre President team: In our video we show you the sights and sounds of our homes at Christmas and share some stories of mission and words of hope. May your Christmas be filled with Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace, and may you share Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace with others. Each week during Advent we are sharing a postcard from our Mission Centre President team on the weekly theme and some of the activities that bring us closer to God and our communities during this season. Enjoy!
From Kat: Deep in this advent season, I'm taken deep in the woods to the river. Peace like a river, as the favourite campfire song goes. I have the peace to know when to let go and let the river of life carry me, and the peace to know when it's time to reach for a low-hanging branch. May the end of your Advent season be characterized by an ever- deepening appreciation for the beauty of your life and the love you are offered again and again. Each week during Advent we are sharing a postcard from our Mission Centre President team on the weekly theme and some of the activities that bring us closer to God and our communities during this season. Enjoy!
From Gwyn: Through our Chilliwack congregation’s outreach toque trees, we have HOPE that what we have given will be what that person needs to give them HOPE. 1st Peter 1:13 reads Therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your HOPE on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed. Each week during Advent we are sharing a postcard from our Mission Centre President team on the weekly theme and some of the activities that bring us closer to God and our communities during this season. Enjoy!
From Becky: Our advent theme for this week is LOVE. There are many things we love about Christmas- decorations, special foods, concerts, get togethers with family and friends. What I especially love is the genuine feelings of good cheer people express-even strangers- to each other. Whether just a greeting, or generous donations of one form or another they are true expressions of Christ’s love for all. Each week during Advent we are sharing a postcard from our Mission Centre President team on the weekly theme and some of the activities that bring us closer to God and our communities during this season. Enjoy!
From Shannon: The first Sunday of advent this year is Joy, and to remind me, I have seen the sign in this photo every day as I arrive at work the past two weeks! In Vancouver we share joy by providing gifts to the Surrey Women's Centre every year. What we give depends on their needs. This year they are in need of toys for the many families they serve, so that is what we will give. How do you share joy? By Gwyn Beer, Canada West Mission Co-President
Two incredible opportunities await us in 2025: the January online conference for Canada West Mission Centre and the World Conference in May/June. These upcoming events are meaningful opportunities to connect, contribute, and be inspired. Canada West Mission Centre will hold an online conference on January 25, 2025.There will be a few items on the agenda, and we hope to have good attendance. This special conference will also be the opportunity to put your name forward to attend the World Conference in May/June 2025. The Mission Centre will cover the attendance fee for all delegates. Travel, housing, and food expenses will need to come from your personal generosity. If you feel you will be able to go as a delegate, please send an email to Shannon McAdam at [email protected] to have your name added to the list. You may also be able to add your name at the January conference. We have 32 seats available. As our previous Mission Centre President Steve Thompson mentioned, not all seats have been filled at the conferences he attended. There will also be a few additional items to discuss at the January conference. The World Conference in May/June 2025, held in Independence, Missouri, promises to be an amazing event! We will be choosing our new Prophet-President for the Community of Christ. This will be an inspirational and meaningful experience. As Canadian delegates, it’s important to have a valid passport and plan ahead, especially with our dollar not being very strong right now—but it’s so worth it! We hope you will be praying for both conferences. Even if you cannot physically be there, your spirit will be felt and cherished. Much love to all of you as you consider these upcoming conferences. “God bless us everyone!” – Tiny Tim, A Christmas Carol By Gwyn Beer, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President
As we reflect on our heritage, we’re drawn to stories that deepen our understanding of where we come from and where we’re headed. Last October, I joined a Community of Christ Historical Society trip focused on the role of women in the early church and in the United States. A central part of our journey highlighted women’s right to vote—a hard-won freedom that continues to shape our world today. On Tuesday, November 5, people in the United States will vote, and a woman may become president. Later in the year, at the end of May and early June, Community of Christ members will also vote—this time on a possible change in our presidency. A woman may be called as our Prophet-President. These milestones represent a shift in our shared heritage. Personally, I’ve been reflecting on heritage in my own “Upper Fraser Valley” community as we approach the 50th anniversary of our congregation’s building on Carleton Street in Chilliwack. In 1899, Bob Riley helped establish the RLDS (now Community of Christ) church here in the valley. As I delve into the incredible work of our local historians, I’m often delighted and surprised by what I find. I encourage you to connect with your local historian and perhaps honour their work by documenting your own community’s story. As Leandro reminded us at the Canada West Mission Conference, sharing and listening to our stories enriches our faith experience. We also have the chance to explore more of our shared church history through the Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation’s Fall Lecture Series, which will be available via Zoom. The series begins on November 7 with “Kirtland During the Gilded Age…” presented by Seth Bryant. I’ll be attending and encourage you to consider joining as well. Let’s explore and celebrate our heritage together! By Becky Middleton, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President
It was my pleasure and privilege to be in London, ON, at the Woodfield Congregation for the Canada East Mission Centre Conference last weekend. The theme was “Celebrate Mission,” and together, we learned how both the East and West Mission Centres celebrate mission through congregational activities serving the communities where we live. We also conducted our business productively and respectfully. We shared delicious food, and most importantly, we shared in fellowship. I got to know many friends from Canada East—some I had met before, some I felt a connection with, and many new acquaintances who are now friends. We enjoyed a few adventures and a lot of fun! As we move forward with One Canada, I look forward to seeing more of each other and working side by side to celebrate the great things happening in mission across Canada, inspiring each other in new mission endeavours. WE CELEBRATED!! By Kat Goheen, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President.
"Silence is ultimately something that comes from the heart, not from any set of conditions outside us." - Thich Nhat Hanh “Silence, solitude, and stillness...the perfect combination” – retreat participant This past weekend twenty-four souls gathered on a Friday evening at Samish Island Campground and Retreat Centre to descend into silence until Sunday morning. Autumn is a magical time at Samish Island, with deer munching on apples that have fallen from trees that are scattered across the grounds; trees slowly shedding beautiful red, yellow, and orange leaves; and eagles and herons soaring above. As the wind swept through the area, so too did the spirit sweep us into deeper connection. And as rain fell, so did tears and our masks, clearing away layers of protection around our hearts. There was sitting meditation, walking meditation, art, deep relaxation, and music, all practices that supported us through the silence. Many people were anxious about spending a whole weekend in silence, and all came out of silence with gifts and realizations. Some felt like a prodigal child returned to love. Some felt that they’d sunk into deep grace. Some experienced healing. Some felt challenged to act, speak and think in new ways. If you have the opportunity to spend some time in silence, we would encourage you to take it, even if for just an afternoon. If you can spend some of that silent time in nature, even better. You may be surprised by the richness that is found when you allow silence time to soothe you. By Sam Smalldon, Bishop of Canada, MCFO/CEM/CWM
I believe many of us understand the advice to give of our time, our talents, and our treasures. However, I also sense that not all of us fully recognize why this is such a valuable thing to consider. I hope that we all wish to be happy, that we all strive to become better, and that we all feel the desire to share what we have first received. From my understanding, anything we want to do more of or improve at requires practice and effort. Generosity, in my opinion, is like that—it’s a muscle we need to exercise. It may surprise many to hear that generosity isn't primarily about money. Rather, it’s a way of living, a way of being. My hope is that we are all on a journey of growth, and that along the way, we will each consider becoming more generous. To help explore these ideas and how we might become more generous, I’ve found three resources that speak to the importance of finding happiness through generosity, and why practising our generosity muscles is so important. A moment with your Mission Centre President. By Becky Middleton.
It was lovely to be together for Mission Conference at September's end, and what a wonderful conference we had! Both of our guest ministers, Vonda and Leandro, were very impressed with how we "took care of business" in an amiable, non-confrontational manner. There was also lots of great visiting, delicious food, good fun, interesting storytelling, a game or two, and a fantastic concert by Edith Wallace for those of us fortunate enough to be there in person! The two main items of business that require more contemplation from ALL of us are:
In November, there will be an online poll to gauge your status of support (or lack thereof) for the priesthood policy proposal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Art Smith or one of the Mission Centre President team. In January, Apostle Art Smith plans to formulate a committee to implement the moving forward as one Canada Mission Centre. If you are interested in serving on that committee, please contact Shannon McAdam or one of the Mission Centre President team. Change calls for discernment, contemplation, and service. Exciting times! A postcard from the Canada West Mission Centre President Team.
What we loved about conference: Becky: Being together! Great fellowship, food and fun! FABULOUS!! Kat: Wearing George Allen’s name tag! Gwyn: Renewed relationships and new relationships. “Make new friends, but keep the old…” Shannon: Seeing so many familiar faces in person, and walking the ravine with old and new friends. A moment with your Mission Centre President, by Shannon McAdam.
As our Mission Centre Conference approaches, we know you might have some last-minute questions! Here’s a Q&A from your Mission Centre President Team to make sure you’re ready, whether you’re attending in person or online: Is it too late to come to Edmonton? Not too late! You can still REGISTER HERE. Where can I find the documents for the business meeting? You can find those in our CONFERENCE HUB. How do I get the link to join on Zoom? You’ll find the links to participate live in selected events in our CONFERENCE HUB. Will every event be on Zoom? No, some events will only be available in-person in Edmonton. You’ll know if a session is online if it has the “JOIN ONLINE SESSION” link in the Conference Hub. Do I have to be a delegate to vote? No, anyone who is a member in Canada West can have voice and vote in our conference business meeting. I have another question that isn’t answered here, who should I ask? You can email any member of our Mission Centre President team, or our conference coordinator, Debra. A Moment with your Mission Centre President
By Becky Middleton, Canada West Mission co-president. A few days ago Stassi Cramm outlined some possible changes to World church leadership if her call to Prophet/President is approved at the next World Conference, in 2025. While these changes are positive and exciting, change in general is often hard to process. It seems we just get familiar with how things are and a change happens again. As the adage states: “the only constant in life is change.” Change is all around us, changing seasons, changing weather patterns, changing time ( well for some of us anyway), changing health, lifestyle - you get the picture! There are some changes coming with our approach to the One Canada mission too. As with Stassi's announcement, the changes will have many positive outcomes that may seem unfamiliar at first. We envision a future of positives–working together as one Canada with one mission–continuing to share our vision of Christ at work in our communities resulting in positive change! By: Kat Goheen Canada West Mission Centre Co-President
“Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow” This hymn lyric is our theme for Mission Conference 2024. We have learned that to have true hope we must face our realities; that’s why “strength” goes hand in hand with hope! One way to experience strength is to know our truth and to share authentically with others and we want to learn that together. Leandro Palacios will lead us in a session on Friday night on how to share our stories in different ways. Edith Wallace will show, and tell, us how she expresses herself on Saturday night. We look forward to Vonda DenBoer’s message Sunday morning. When we tell our truth, we witness to others how creative and redemptive God is in our lives, just as we are. We show our values. We connect with others in a deeper way. We open ourselves to transformational change. I’m excited to be in Edmonton for this next stage of the journey at the end of this month and pray that you are too! |
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February 2025
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355 Elmira Road North, Unit 129
Guelph, ON N1K 1S5 Canada Canada West Mission: 877-411-2632 Canada East Mission: 888-411-7537 |
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