Young adults, ages 18 (HS Grad) through 35, are invited to spend a weekend enjoying the beauty of Samish Island and building our community. We will explore, imagine, and dream what “discipleship” can look like in the 21st century!
Samish Island Campground 11633 Scott Road, Bow, WA Written by Stephen Thompson Canada West Mission Centre Historian Historian’s Corner, Vol. 2, No. 3 Having completed the series on “The Making of the Presidents of the Church,” I will return to emphasizing historical material that is more directly related to the Canada West Mission Centre. Today, I am returning to my cache of “District Leader” newsletters from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. In the first column, in which I highlighted this newsletter, I said that the earliest edition I had was from January 1961. I have just discovered I have issues from at least December 1959, and through 1960. The following is a summary of just some of the very interesting material contained in them. To me, the newsletters are amazing productions for their day. Each one is 20 to 24 pages, typed, single-spaced, no pictures, undoubtedly copied using a Gestetner (or similar technology of the day), then assembled, stapled, and mailed out to who-knows-how-many members across at least the three provinces. Some people were regular “columnists” and wrote monthly columns ranging from a few paragraphs in length to as much as four pages. There are entries of varying lengths from congregational “reporters” – any given congregation is not represented in all months, but most months. In January 1960 there is a longer article by Leora Lester on “Word of Wisdom Given by Revelation.” There is a longer article by Elder S.R. (Stan) Walker (from the Edmonton Branch) on the topic of “Preparation for Zion,” which is well-researched with scriptural sources as well as contemporary references to non-RLDS thinkers and leaders. Thomas A. Johnstone, also from Edmonton, provided a short sermon on the topic, “Behold the Man,” in which he makes the case that Jesus’ life is an exemplary life for all of us because he shared with us from his humanity (as opposed to his divinity) and therefore could identify with all our human strengths and weaknesses. Mrs. M.L. Cornish wrote a column titled, “Let’s Help Finish the Auditorium.” In one paragraph she observed: “It’s easy for us away up here to say, ‘Well, why don’t they get the Auditorium finished?’ But as Brother Renfroe said at one of our reunions, “’They’ have gone home. So if there is something more to be done, just you do it.” (Aside: Reminds me (Steve) of President Veazey telling us at the last World Conference that WE are the strategic plan for the future of the church!) There is much more content that I cannot begin to summarize. Moving on to the April 1960 edition, we find a “Directory Page” of that year’s local leadership. I thought it would be interesting to share this listing. Many of these names will be remembered by members throughout the Canada West Mission Centre. Alberta District: Missionary: R.E. Ashenhurst (Calgary) President: D.K Larmour (Edmonton) Secretary: Gladys Larmour (Edmonton) Treasurer: A.C. Johnstone (Edmonton) Non-Resident Pastor: K.W. Anholt (Edmonton) Religious Education: S.R. Walker (Fort Saskatchewan) Women’s Leader: Jean Walrath (Edmonton) Evangelist: Wm. Osler (Edmonton) Zion’s League: R.L. Jenkins (Edmonton) Young Adults: Donald Saul (Edmonton) Bishop’s Agent: C.O. Diaper (Calgary). Saskatchewan District: Missionary: K.E. Harvey (Regina) President: T.R. Bowerman (Prince Albert) Secretary: Elaine Olson (Porcupine Plain) Treasurer: Dennis Wells (Saskatoon) Religious Education: Walter Postnikoff (Saskatoon) Women’s Leader: Eleanor Mountenay (Saskatoon??) Evangelist: Orval Fisher (Saskatoon) Young Adults: Arthur Bergeson (Regina) Bishop’s Agent: E.A. Baker (Saskatoon). Pastors: Calgary Branch: E.B. McLean Edmonton Branch: N.E. Olson Grassland (Alberta) Mission: Orval Jenkins Ribstone Branch: A.H. Gregory Artland (Senlac) Branch: Myron Cornish Paddockwood: Earl Beckham Prince Albert: G.R. Bowerman Regina Branch: J.D Williams Saskatoon Branch: G.A. Gendron Weyburn Branch: L.N. Jensen Winnipeg Branch: G.M. McDonald Fort William (Ontario) Branch: Anson Miller The next column will be in mid-June-ish. Check here each week for new material. And check the archive for past columns. Thanks for reading!
By Gwyn Beer, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President Shirley Smith was invited to come visit Bob and Bev Riley. Originally planned as a weekend visit, Shirley saw the opportunity to reach out to church members in other areas.
In Chilliwack, Shirley stayed for a longer visit with Bob & Bev Riley, Rick & Pat James, Shonnet & Lawrence Allen, and Janine McCully. Shirley shared her desire for the Chilliwack congregation, a higher level of outreach mission. Shirley had a desire to meet with members of the Vancouver congregation to discuss mission. However, Vancouver is currently going through a discernment process, and only a few visits happened. A ferry ride got me and Shirley to the Victoria church. It has been sold and possession is June 1st, and the congregation has been dissolved. Shirley and I met with Carl and Shirley Bolger, and they told us of all the work that has happened to get the Victoria church ready for the new owners. The congregation was delighted to sell the property to a business that is closely oriented to our mission initiatives. The building will be used by Lifetime Network! We joined the Victoria congregation in worship, on Sunday May 12, for their last communion service in the building. Shirley gave an inspiring message to those in attendance about the future of the church, with dedicated saints and their stories. Fellowship over a lunch happened and Shirley went to visit family for the afternoon and evening. The congregation held a final service of remembering and sharing on May 26. We were given beds, and so much hospitality, with the Nepomuceno-Donohue family. Dana, John, Georgia, Sydney, Frankie and James were asked by Debra to house all 3 of us for 2 nights. Add Fiona the French bulldog, and 2 leopard cats, and the house was a full, warm, loving place. Shirley, Debra and I were treated royally, and much fun and fellowship happened. Shirley and I travelled up island and met with Sally Glaiser, who orchestrated an outside visit with Charlotte and Carmen Dobbs. Our time together was very special for me, as Charlotte (nee Harper) and I had grown up together through church family affiliations. Shirley talked with Sally about mission and was filled in on the congregation's plans to stay connected through a series of gatherings. The first will be a gathering at Sally’s home in late June. The Victoria group, while no longer a formal congregation, will allow an organic flow to future gatherings. Shirley reconnected with Don and Evelyn Jenkins, and I made connections with my Alberta relatives we had in common. Shirley spent the night with Ed and Audrey Salahub, who are now in Nanaimo after a move from Meadow Ridge. We travelled next to Campbell River to meet with Darlene Zimmerman. The connection to Darlene came when she responded to the Seventy letter that Shirley and Linda had created and we mailed out. We spent time with Darlene admiring her artwork. I thanked her for her support of World Accord for years by donating paintings that were auctioned off. I am a proud owner of one painting from a World Accord auction at Samish. We left Darlene, and returned to Nanaimo to a motel for the night as we had an early ferry ride out of Dukes Point. Shirley and I joined a CWM advisory meeting at 6 pm. I gave my report and left Shirley online. I went and met my school friend Janet Miller, for a long overdue visit. Shirley and I got up early to make a ferry ride to the mainland. From the ferry terminal, we went to the Abbotsford Airport where I left Shirley for her flight home. Thank you, Shirley, for a trip that reached out to many of our members on Vancouver Island. CWM/IW Reunion Coordinators: Chris Phelps and Lisa Masters Hello everyone, Hopefully you are starting to get excited about our joint Canada West/Inland West Mission Centres Reunion at Samish Island this summer from July 20-27. If you are not yet registered, please do so soon. There are still a few jobs that we are looking to fill. Please have a look through this list and let me know if you are interested in taking on one of these for our week at Samish.
Class Teachers: We have primary (grades 1-3/4), and a senior high (grades 9/10-12), teachers locked in. But we still need at least one, possibly two teachers, for the middle age range. We can divide things up in a variety of ways depending on who steps up and the number of kids. If you are interested in taking on the challenge of teaching kids for the week - in some form from grades 3-9 (not that whole range - that would be insane!!!) please contact Chris or Lisa ASAP. Canteen Coordinator: We need someone, or a small group, to take on the Canteen. We will likely have someone managing the Canadian $ side, and someone else the US $ side. If you are interested, let Chris know and we can talk about the job so you know what to expect. Evening Youth Activities: We could use a couple of people to coordinate evening youth activities, with an Inland West counterpart, on Sunday, and Friday. These would start at approximately 9:00 and end at approximately 10:30, and can be whatever kinds of activities you’d like to plan. Think ages 13-19, and interactive. Some previous youth activities that have been successful are: Karaoke night, games night, outdoor activities like scavenger hunts, volleyball in the CFC, etc. Most just need a little setup and someone to get things started. Recreation Activities: We could use a few days worth of (mostly) outdoor activities geared towards kids and youth. We have a couple of things already planned, but could use some planned help with activities like: Slip and slide (setup and start and cleanup), obstacle course, softball/kickball games, horseshoe tournament, afternoon volleyball, other ideas that you come up with! Let me know if you have ideas, and really let me know if you are willing to take on the setup/startup/cleanup aspects for a day. Jobs/chores Coordinator: We need someone from Canada West and someone from Inland West to work together organizing all the jobs/cleaning/etc. for the week of camp. This entails organization/communication/and follow up with people to make sure all the jobs are assigned and check in with people to make sure there are no problems that need assistance. Creative Activities: We have a number of creative activities scheduled this year, but if you have something you’d like to offer, for one day, all week, or anywhere in between, please contact Alexis Beer [email protected] or Ciara Mielk - [email protected] to add your activity to the list. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Samish in July! A Moment with your Mission Centre President by Kat Goheen, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President Another Camino Connection
Since you carry what you bring on this 780 km trail, it’s important to carefully evaluate what goes in your pack. I wanted to get my pack down to 15 lbs, leaving a couple of pounds for food and water. I was very careful, only taking three shirts and two pairs of pants along with the necessary sleeping bag, rain poncho, and thin puffer coat. My only book was my guidebook! Still, after my knee started shooting pains outside Pamplona, I ruthlessly left equipment at my next Albergue (pilgrim hostel), cutting out pages of my guide, leaving socks behind, and trading a heavier shirt for a new quick-dry one, losing at least half a pound of equipment. I couldn’t continue to walk with the weight that had hurt me. This exercise reinforced the sacredness of creation as I learned what mattered most and how to share what was extra with those who came behind me. There’s a wonderful retreat coming up at Samish Island Retreat Centre on May 30-June 2 called, “What is Enough? Making Space for What Matters.” I learned on my Camino that I didn’t need nearly as much stuff as I keep around me at home (although I was happy to have proper shampoo and conditioner again!). Let’s explore our true capacity and needs without needing to pare down quite so much. Registration will stay open until May 25 and we have room for about 10 more to participate. Consider coming to this retreat to reconsider how heavy your ‘pack’ is in good company! May 31-June 2 Are you looking for something to do on the weekend?
Come to the opening weekend of the Hills of Peace, Friday May 31, 2024 to Sunday June 2, 2024. Enjoy the time, the walking trails, see the lake from the beach (there won’t be a lifeguard, so no swimming), visit with people, and look for birds and their nests. We also take some time to clean: the cabins, the bathrooms, and shower rooms. Dorms, chapels, and classrooms (Craft Shack). You might see some flies or a mouse but that is ok right?! You might want to cut the grass or plant some flowers. Eileen Johnstone has a three page list of the work that needs to be completed. Other people also have a list of things that need to be done. Don’t forget the dining room and the kitchen! The dishes need cleaning before the food can be prepared. The meals are Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday morning. We have 2 Chefs Dave Symington and Chris Ungstad preparing the food. You will have to guess what will be served. Between the work there might be some games or playing in the sand box. You can select your own cabin or dorm to sleep in for the weekend. Bring your own bedding A Moment with your Mission Centre President Team by Kat Goheen, Canada West Mission Centre Co-President I recently returned from my pilgrimage in Spain. My daughter was out of town when I got home so I texted her this picture, holding the promise that not only was my gear back at home where it belonged, but I was too. Please receive the same promise from this image! It is good to be home and back among you again after being away for five weeks.
Last November I made the comparison between preparing for summer camping and preparing for pilgrimage. When you go on pilgrimage you need to get time off, you need to make other arrangements for your commitments, you need to plan financially to afford the costs of the pilgrimage, you need to prepare physically for what you’ll need and gather your resources, you need to prepare emotionally to be in a different space with different people. At the end of my pilgrimage, I find that the analogy holds. Another similarity between the two is finding intimacy with God and community in the process of stepping into the unknown. We can find God anywhere, but God is so present when we intentionally limit our distractions and turn our hearts toward spiritual union. It’s easier to hear God’s still small voice in nature with people of like mind, and both camping and pilgrimage provide that! We have Canada West camps at Hills of Peace and Samish Island this summer, along with our high school SPEC experience. They are tended lovingly by wonderful directors, guest ministry, cooks, and teachers. All that is left is for you to clear your schedule, handle your commitments, figure out your finances, and physically and emotionally prepare to embark on an adventure together in some of our favourite sacred places. And register!!!! A Moment with Your Mission Centre President by Becky Middleton Canada West Mission Centre Co-President Last week I was privileged to attend a dance competition my granddaughters were participating in. These competitions are pretty intense–there were over 1000 entries of various age groups and styles of dance over a 6 day period. Two things that impacted me were:
This brings me to an article shared by Bob Riley which also exemplifies the good of others and the desire to do good for others.Very inspiring indeed! In Bob's own words: 'Sometimes as a small church we might think we are having no impact on bringing peace into the world. We forget that other persons, organizations and businesses, just as small or smaller than us, maybe just one person, are adding their drop of peace to the container with us until it is overflowing.' Follow Nicola Chiacchio’s round-the-world tour for peace on a three-wheeled bike. •January 30 through May 23• Inland West Mission Center Virtual Book Club •April 20-28• Samish Island Camp Work Week •May 5• Climate Action Webinar Series •May 30-June 2• Retreat - What is Enough? Making Space for What Matters •June 7-9• Young Adult Retreat at Samish Island Visit to learn more about our events in Hills of Peace and Samish Island for the year!
January 2025
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Guelph, ON N1K 1S5 Canada Canada West Mission: 877-411-2632 Canada East Mission: 888-411-7537 |
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